Stupid topic: youre hairs

I have very curly hair so it looks much shorter than they are (it's a pretty big bush, anyway).
I'm keeping it long since i was 12 (i'm 16 rite now and I cut it just a couple of times) and when I have a shower and the hair becomes streight it reaches more or less the first half of my back.
I don't think it'll ever grow more than this, anyway :(
I luv long hair but i'd like to have whip-like hair just as Alexi, it's great for headbanging!
bitches! all of you! i envy you :p

only a month and i'll be fucking free to let my hair grow past my ass...
but since a few years it's always been short cause of that stupid school :-/
My hair is ab out 2cms long, since I have very thick hair it does not get longer only bigger :p
And I dont want an afro.
mine's like 0.25cm <<<<< see avatar

I want long hair but too impatient to grow it... so I end up getting it very short