Suffocation - Souls To Deny

I'm actually listening to it all the way through for the first time right now. My impression so far is that it's good, but not completely killer like I was hoping it would be. It's definitely better than Despise the Sun, but not as good as Pierced From Within or even Effigy of the Forgotten.
It isn't bad at isn't as good as Pierced or Effigy but it is better than the majority of brutal death I have heard recently........some songs are merely average and some are excellent.....I still need more time for this stuff to sink in, but I am impressed so far
Oceanic Motion said:
I beg to differ. Its merely average.
like I said some songs are average but their are songs on their that much better than most BD.......Deceit, Subconciously Enslaved, among others that I can't remember the names is still growing on me too
people's expectations from comeback records and scene veterans is usually vastly overeager. suffocation has a far too copied sound for them to be able to write anything interesting or original at this stage in the game and still sound like suffocation. they're stale, time to get over it.
The minigun sucks. Flak Cannon > It. :p

As for the new Suffocation, i'm yet to hear it, but i'm already generating a negative opinion on it due to the amount of bad press it seems to be getting.
The minigun is great fun. the flak cannon is a little annoying. Why don't you join our clan, None So Vile?