Suffocation - Souls To Deny

None_So_Vile said:
Tsk tsk, you dont use the minigun enough sculpted *looking at your stats*, great weapon :D UT2004 arrived this morning, damn sexy
Hehe, agreed. I should at least be using it more than the Link Gun, which I dislike and am pretty naff with. All my matches so far are from the demo (I haven't been home to play the full game which has been sitting there for over a week now...) and Rankin isn't a good map, tactically, to use the minigun in because of the limited LOS ranges. I used it sometimes in 1v1s or when playing 3 or less others, but in a crowded pub or general melee, you can do a lot more damage a lot quicker with a well placed rocket or flak shell....which is reflected in my stats so far, hehe.

Tanith said:
The minigun sucks. Flak Cannon > It. :p
Now that really is a comparison that depends on circumstance. =) I use the flak cannon waaaay more than the minigun, but I think I like the minigun better because it's pretty good fun and shredding people with bullets is always satisfying. Regardless, with two evenly matched people, one with a minigun and one with a flak cannon, the flak cannon will always win at close range, whereas the minigun will always win at medium and long range. They're both powerful weapons in the right situation, but in fact the hardcore UT players are almost unanimous (sp?) in agreement that the minigun is possibly the most lethal normal weapon in the game overall.

SunlapseVertigo said:
The Manta = ultimate killing machine
As long as I notice it coming before it actually hits me, not even the best manta driver has much chance of killing me on foot, especially if i've got a shock or flak on my person. The manta's only real power lies in surprise.

hmmm, now where does suffocation fit into all this.....:loco:
anonymousnick2001 said:
Who do you think is better? Mike Smith or Doug Hobbs?
Comparing the two black guys, eh? Mike Smith plays drums and Terrance Hobbs plays guitar, so it is really hard to say who is better. I would probably say that Terrance is a little bit better at guitar than Mike is at drums. Terrance is an amazing guitarist.
I'm a big fan of Suffocation, I also think that this record has come across as overly 'average'. Pierced From Within still destroys.

The song "Subconciously Enslaved", about halfway through is the first moment where I was like "wow this is good", especially when the solo kicks in. Sadly there are too few of these moments. I will listen a lot more and let it soak in though.
Life Sucks said:
Comparing the two black guys, eh? Mike Smith plays drums and Terrance Hobbs plays guitar, so it is really hard to say who is better. I would probably say that Terrance is a little bit better at guitar than Mike is at drums. Terrance is an amazing guitarist.
I meant Doug Bohn, the drummer on Pierced. I don't know why I wrote Hobbs. Brain fart.

Those guys are black? Awesome.
I'm really digging "To Weep once More". "Deceit" and "Subconsciously Enslaved" are pretty cool. The title track is sub-par. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with it from what I've heard.
ThePhilosopher said:
I'm really digging "To Weep once More". "Deceit" and "Subconsciously Enslaved" are pretty cool. The title track is sub-par. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with it from what I've heard.
I agree the Souls to Deny really annoys me because of the constant use of the phrase Souls, Soulst to Deny.........

I honestly don't understand the negative responses this is getting. I think it's fucking killer. Easily beats the snot out of all the generic death metal that had flooded the scene.

The production is excellent, real crisp and heavy. The drums are pounding, albeit not window rattling as on Pierced From Within, but damn good none the less. It's got complex riffs and deep guttural vocals. What else would you want?
I would whole-heartedly recommend this album.
Darth Kur said:
I honestly don't understand the negative responses this is getting. I think it's fucking killer. Easily beats the snot out of all the generic death metal that had flooded the scene.

The production is excellent, real crisp and heavy. The drums are pounding, albeit not window rattling as on Pierced From Within, but damn good none the less. It's got complex riffs and deep guttural vocals. What else would you want?
I would whole-heartedly recommend this album.
Exactly......I don't know what some people were expecting.....I wasn't expecting a revolutionary death metal release, I was looking for a good Suffocation album and that's what this is. I don't find it the least bit boring, there isn't a whole lot of diversity, but it is Suffocation it's not supposed to be diverse. It is very good and defenetly better than any other Suffocation wanna be's out there.