Suffocation - Souls To Deny

I just don't like Morbid Angel. Mostly because their songs are unmemorable.

Suffocation, on the other hand...very memorable.
Did anyone else think the vocals for something like the first 3 tracks were a bit "off"? They just didn't sound like Effigy or Despise The Sun or the later tracks, but as a whole, it's a terrific album.
Papa Josh said:
Did you actually listen to it?

How could you not remember "Stricken Arise," "Beneath The Hollow," "Praise The Strength"??

One should make sure that one's integrity is not in question....

And you call yourself a Morbid Angel fan? Or maybe you don't..... :Smug: :worship: :D

Oh no, I enjoy their first three albums, and Gateways, but the rest of their material doesn't do it for me.
OK, I just saw these guys last night. They slayed. They played two new songs I haven't heard(Surgery of Impalement & Demise of the Clone). This makes 4 songs I heard now off the new album. Anyone calling it a yawnfest should have his/her head examined. These songs are all classic Suffocation.

I await the new album.
I just don't like Morbid Angel. Mostly because their songs are unmemorable.

Suffocation, on the other hand...very memorable.
Morbid Angel unmemorable? huh?

As far as the new Suffocation ... this is in the same league as their earlier releases ... so basically it slays. They can take to school pretty much every single one of todays DM bands.

Dare i say, it is probably their most instant record. How can you think a track like Immortaly Condemned is yawnfest?

This is fucking brutal shit ....
Morbid Angel's Covenant is their true masterpiece in my opinion, in terms of memorable songs and great production. Amazing record... it has a couple of the most memorable death metal songs ever for me - Rapture and God of Emptiness.

As far as Suffocation, about a month ago in this thread I posted that I was sort of disappointed with this release, but I have to say my opinion has gone up quite a bit. I think this is a very solid record.
BlessedAreTheSick said:
Morbid Angel's Covenant is their true masterpiece in my opinion, in terms of memorable songs and great production. Amazing record... it has a couple of the most memorable death metal songs ever for me - Rapture and God of Emptiness.
I love Covenant too but I think the production is lacking.......the guitars are too muddy, but otherwise it is a great cd