sugestions needed fast ...


Jul 11, 2002
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Im gonna swap the Return of the killer A's cd for another Anthrax one(see my post with this CD as the subject for info on why), any sugestions as to one to pick up for a anthax newbie, prefrably with no edits/nasty suprises ?
Did you like the first hald of the CD or the second?

If you liked John's half, you can't really go wrong with any of the three with him on vocals (although personally, I'd give a slight edge to "SOWN" or "Volume 8" over "Stommp 442").

If you liked Joey's half, go with "Among the Living" or "Persistence of Time"
Well i liked boath vocalists realy, although i am slightly leaning towards the humor of some of the Joey based stuff.

I may get the Im the Man EP and ether "Among the Living" or "Persistence of Time" to get the best mix of serious and silly as ive figured I will not get the best mix from the best of comps that are around.