Suggest music to purchase (new/old/etc...)


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Alright ladies & gentlemen. Been meaning to pick up some new stuff to listen to or DVD"s to watch. I've been thinking about some Arsis, new Dream Theater, Amon Amarth, new Rush, etc... Any & all suggestions welcomed. I've heard some comments on the newest Dream Theater, and liked Train Of Thought but not Octavarium. Oh Well.

Anyway, last couple of things I purchased I really disliked like Ozzy's/Black Rain and Hellyeah. Should've known better, but Ive been an Ozzy and Pantera fan for years. I did however enjoy finally getting Iced Earth/Alive In Athens on DVD. Take Care.

Scarsick doesn't have much lasting value but it's not a bad album, and I don't understand the $ signs either. The album in my sig is one of the best this year I think.
I find it hard to believe you haven't picked up any Arsis yet. You have no idea what you're missing. Some of the best extreme-ish melodic metal to come out in a LONG time. Also, if you don't have Pain of Salvation's "One Hour by The Concrete Lake" and "The Perfect Element - Part I" you must get those as well. Scarsick isn't bad but definitely not as good as the two aforementioned ones. I would highly recommend to anyone on this board to get "The Latter Rain" by In Vain. Amazingly diverse album. I've been listening to a lot of Wolverine recently, as well.
Scarsick doesn't have much lasting value but it's not a bad album, and I don't understand the $ signs either. The album in my sig is one of the best this year I think.

The internet started calling it $car$ick after the general consensus was that a bland and very uninventive (As compared to the journeys that were Remedy and all albums before) album like this was the first step (or even second step... BE was pretty "ugh") in their high marketability and eventual selling out.
I would highly recommend to anyone on this board to get "The Latter Rain" by In Vain. Amazingly diverse album.

Yeah, The Latter Rain is one of those albums you may not be into at first, but eventually it'll grow into "holy shit", and then completely own your being. Definitely the best debut of 2007, and easily a top 5 for the year.
I find it hard to believe you haven't picked up any Arsis yet. You have no idea what you're missing. Some of the best extreme-ish melodic metal to come out in a LONG time. Also, if you don't have Pain of Salvation's "One Hour by The Concrete Lake" and "The Perfect Element - Part I" you must get those as well. Scarsick isn't bad but definitely not as good as the two aforementioned ones. I would highly recommend to anyone on this board to get "The Latter Rain" by In Vain. Amazingly diverse album. I've been listening to a lot of Wolverine recently, as well.

I've been meaning to get some Arsis stuff for awhile now. I saw/heard them on Headbangers Ball and read about them in Revolver. They reminded me of "Death" alot. I love the "brutal/extreme/technical-yet-melodic" sound they have. I'll also look into Pain of Salvation. Thanks for the recommendations.

Seventh Wonder- Waiting In The Wings
Tomorrow's Eve- Mirror Of Creation: Genesis II
Drifter- Reality Turns To Dust and Nowhere To Hide
Crimson Glory- Transcendence
By far the best suggestion. Isn't that album out of print though? Or at least it was...

*hugs his original print copy*

It better not be.
I'll be angry. I don't have my copy anymore :(
Incidentally, before I saw the cover, that's pretty much what I pictured after listening to it pirated.