Suggestion Thread....


Jan 29, 2008
This thread is here so people can suggest things to people...anything under the sun-Comedic or otherwise....although mostly otherwise would be great.

I'll start with some musical suggestions

Legion of the Damned
One man army and the undead quartet
3 inches of blood

and some movie type suggestions....

Clerks I and II
Heavy Metal in Bagdhad(spelling isn't one of my strong suits)
V for Vendetta
The Boondock Saints

....and's your turn. :kickass:
So, I'm about to eat some Fajitas with chipotle sauce :D

Wait... these aren't the Neverboards
Nothing worse than a sloppy burrito, I'll teach you my technique :)

First you spread your tortilla in a plate, and place the food (beans, meat, whatever) NOT in the middle!!! Place it on one of the edges of the tortilla, and be careful not to spread the food until the bottom.

Here's some visual help


Now, the rolling of the tortilla, the most important step. On the bottom of the tortilla make a little fold like in the image shown below, this is to make sure the food won't spill of the burrito when we roll it. Now hold the right side of the tortilla with both hands and roll tightly until the food is covered and make a small fold under the food to make sure it's well secured, now just keep rolling until the tortilla ends.



If you did it correctly it should end up looking like this


A nice and tight Burrito :) Enjoy!!
Mexican food is awesome, I've been making it pretty often lately.

and by making mexican food, I really just mean I add fucktons of garlic and cumin to everything, and lime when I have it :p.
:lol:! :worship:

My suggestion for this thread is for all of you to go download Koji Kondo's Zelda music onto your iTunes. I jizz so much per day now it's not even funny.

Already have it!!! Epicness at it's finest expression, when the Hyrule Field theme starts I just want to take out a sword out of nowhere and start slicing my furniture!!