lmao. please don't condescend upon me by asking me if I know there are different string gauges. i will kindly ask you to quit giving me "advice", which is a good thing for you, since you can now work on your guitar skills. Just because I used some simple, descriptive vocabulary doesn't mean i'm ignorant. I was just trying to give a general layman's terms description so that more people can understand. I WAS being humble, but honestly, even with my lack of knowledge on equipment and gear, I am a very good progressive metal guitar player and I have made several of my own tracks. And no, they're not wannabe or noobish. well, at least thanks for the latter part of your post. i'll keep those in mind
I apologize that you are reading into that so far and being so dramatic. Your ability was never in question until you brought it up, just now. You clearly (and by your own admission) have practically no knowledge of gear, so based on your description of "soft" vs. "firm" combined with your ignorance of gear and use of cheap, low-end gear, I just offered one of the more logical and obvious explanations. Another possibilty is neck relief. If I had wanted to be condescending then believe me, you gave me more than enough to work with in order to do so without even factoring in your "soft vs. firm" description, which I didn't see anything wrong with in the first place, actually. You are very welcome for taking the time to give you advice and good luck with your search. Now, if I may, I suggest maybe next time you google some of this information first, thus avoiding the threat of taking personal offense to solicited advice.