Suidakra US Tour Diary

well, we(MI) do have the crappiest economy in the states.

even though we still have moderatly good ticket sales to all of the shows ive gone to.
we also have a crust punk/metal underground but on the surface, meaning 99% of harpos opening local bands are Arise and Ruin clones.

i have to go to bars, houses and lofts to see Reaper or Sauron something big bands like ATG wouldn't do.

but Impaled and Nachtmystium don't seem to mind.

Ive lost faith in Harpos but the Majestic is practically doing nothing close to metal of the mentioned bands caliber. Its a shame. Wish i could go to chicago twice.

I've been to the Detroit area for shows twice but haven't taken any more roadtrips for a couple of years now. I'm pretty sure Impaled was one of them on the first trip there some time around 2001-2002. Vader headlined and Skinless also may have been in that line-up. The show was in the downtown area at St. Andrew's Hall. The place looked like it could accommodate a much larger crowd than the one that filled maybe about 1/3 of the floor that night. The other roadtrip was in 2006 for Dark Tranquillity at the I-Rock, with several local Motor City openers. There was no sell-out crowd there that night either, just a small group of die-hards on a cold wintry night in early March. The local band that went on before DT were called Penthium. They seemed a bit more pro than the others if memory serves. I cite them as the band only because I took a foto of the line-up posted at the door. Even if I hadn't recalled their name though, I do remember when they were doing their cover of Motorhead's Ace of Spades the vocalist botched the lyrics and then went on to sing... "And don't forget the lyrics!" :lol: Some things stick in the memory better than others I guess.
IMO, I think the smaller crowds are more a result of there being more & more metal tours these days. Almost seems like 10x more than just a couple years ago...especially when it comes to packages with European band included.

I would agree with that. In fact I was just telling someone the other day that I remember thinking I had a busy schedule because I had ONE show to go to every month. It wasn't THAT long ago, as you said. Now you've got instances where there's three tours blowing through town in the same week. It does indeed hurt the pocketbook and the sleep schedule.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't I guess!:erk: