Summer Breeze !

Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
What is this, pidgin French or what?

Essayez de vous mieux exprimer pour que je puisse vous comprendre!!!:grin:

Sorry we were just practising some kind of French slang called ' Verlan ' often used in the subburbs. It consists in reversing syllables and often cutting the last vowel sound. You can call that ' Le français des cités ' or rather ' le céfran des téci ' :)
Originally posted by Thortyir
:lol: :lol: :lol: VIVE LE LOBBY FRANCOPHONE! :lol: :lol: :lol:

De toute confa mwa j'meai la zikmu ienb orf...a donf, oiq...


yo couzin !
alors la chapeau mon garçon ! pourtant j'en entends tous les jours mais là il m'a fallu 2 bonnes minutes pour decrypter ta phrase :lol:
fear les caillera ki téskwa au dogm cepla du toch !
et continues à tremé la zik ienb orf !
i don't know yet, i don't know how i'll manage to get there either, i don't know i am, i don't know what i am, i don't know where i'm going, i don't know what's life, what's death, i don't know you, i don't know myself :confused:
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
i don't know yet, i don't know how i'll manage to get there either, i don't know i am, i don't know what i am, i don't know where i'm going, i don't know what's life, what's death, i don't know you, i don't know myself :confused:

Mehdi I´m getting worried about you *g* ;)
Unfortunately I can´t give you an answer on those questions but I know allready that I´m gonna be there on Wednesday and I´m probably going by train :)
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
i don't know yet, i don't know how i'll manage to get there either, i don't know i am, i don't know what i am, i don't know where i'm going, i don't know what's life, what's death, i don't know you, i don't know myself :confused:

that reminds me of text i posted in the lyric thread, hehe, nice one!

cheers Morpheus

P.S.: It seems as if you haven't got my private message, mehdi, have you?
Originally posted by Eos
When are going to be there (SUmer Breeze)? I mean Wednesday, Thursday??

no clue exactly, I still have to do the detailled planning of the entire trip. If all goes right I'm coming from Greece, so maybe we could meet in Switserland and train together. Just a thought...
Originally posted by D3vLiN

no clue exactly, I still have to do the detailled planning of the entire trip. If all goes right I'm coming from Greece, so maybe we could meet in Switserland and train together. Just a thought...

Would be cool!! :)
I'm back from Croatia on Monday (bofore Summer Breeze) probably. I'm going by car so I could come bit earlier/later too. First I'll probably be in Zurich for a short time. If you would fly to Switzerland you would probably come to Zurich (flying to Bern is usualy much expensive) so it would be no problem to come and get you from the airport ;)
Originally posted by Morpheus
It seems as if you haven't got my private message, mehdi, have you?

ah sorry dude i did get it but didn't find time to reply. actually i got to find back the email address of that guy who's got plenty of boots and i'll give it to you. now you know you have to be very patient when you ask something to good old mehdi. ask sopel about this :lol:
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e

ah sorry dude i did get it but didn't find time to reply. actually i got to find back the email address of that guy who's got plenty of boots and i'll give it to you. now you know you have to be very patient when you ask something to good old mehdi. ask sopel about this :lol:

nope, mehdi, just wasn't sure if you got it

so I will wait for it,

cheers morpheus
you mean as Rob Halford, the God Of Metal? ho ho ho

anyway i can't wait until 24th of august at 19:55 :rock:
22nd 17:15 - 17:55 ENTWINE :grin::grin:
22nd 19:45 - 20:35 HYPOCRISY (and again hehe) :rock:

23rd 12:25 - 12:50 CHARON (moooore fins, hahaha)
23rd 17:20 - 17:55 SOILWORK
23rd 20:50 - 21:30 VADER
23rd 21:30 - 22:45 NIGHTWISH (Fins ruuule :) )
23rd 23:30 - 00:45 DIMMU BORGIR (their last chance *g*)
23rd 00:45 - 01:30 PAIN (my hero :lol: )

24th 12:20 - 12:45 ASHES YOU LEAVE (at least for a few minutes.. they´re from the same country so I have to be there, haha)
24th 19:55 - 20:55 SENTENCED (and again mooooore fins :lol: )
24th 21:40 - 22:40 SAMAEL (I still can´t believe they´re Swiss :confused: *gg*)