Sunn 0))) - White2


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Sunn 0))) - White2 (2004)
Stephen O'Malley homepage
Southern Lord Recordings


2. bassAliens

Welcome. This review is for the inevitable sequel to last year's haunting epic White1, and the only explanation of you being here is the fact that you never heard the first, but are still curious what this group named after not only an amplifier's name, but even the logo, are all about. Unless of course you somehow survived White1, in which case I say welcome back, you poor lost soul.

"HELL-O)))-WEEN" starts off with what could be called typical SUNN 0))): droning guitars and an unsettling feeling. This is loud, this is low, this is... vile. Not vile like gore metal, but vile in a 'makes you want to pluck out your own spleen' type of way. You are fully conscious of what you are doing, and the insane compulsion is followed willingly. This is only the beginning, and you feel as if you have walked down this path before. Slightly unsettled but not outright scared, you allow yourself to be enveloped and the 14 minutes go sweeping by. Technically speaking it was only a few notes anyhow.

"bassAliens" invades the mind next, and sounds quite otherworldly with the subharmonic bass notes mixed with higher pitched alien guitar parts, creating an utter void in the midrange quite similar to ULVER's "Of Wolves and Withdrawal." I once tried listening to this track while falling asleep and decided that wouldn't be a good scenario to repeat because the harsh noises starting around the 18th minute, as if on cue to right as I was lulled to sleep, made me think I was getting abducted.

White2 might run together for casual listeners (survivors), but like its predecessor there is a standout track. White1 had "My Wall," and White2 has "DECAY2 [NIHILS' MAW]." Featuring Attila Csihar of MAYHEM and ABORYM fame on vocals, this is where the SUNN 0))) brain is truly cracked open and the sweet sweet goo inside revealed. Droning but not with a monstrous riff typical for the group, this song is crafted with subtle feedback textures and more subharmonic bass. This is merely the foundation for the vocals, the element where this song gets its thrust. They are frightening, no other way to describe them. The growls, the chants, the screams, the wails, the screeches, and even the falsetto, they all combine to create an absolutely chilling environment. You will shoot nervous glances over your shoulder while this plays, and you will enjoy it.

SUNN 0))) cannot be truly appreciated via casual listening and White2 is no exception. Overall this outing uses dynamics a bit more than other SUNN 0))) albums, but it still delivers the goods and in the process might come off creepier than usual. My only complaint is that "bassAliens" is a little too long, but given the average song length here is over 20 minutes each, this is a minor issue.

Excellent review, and while the songs are stretched out beyond any reasonable limit, that's undoubtedly part of their mission of aural punishment, and creating one of the ultimate room clearing/scaring away Halloween pranksters albums... :)
Black Winter Day said:
Well, I'd definitely review them... If they were with me. Yeah, I know it's my fuckup, but when you're packing up to go to college, the last thing you think of is remembering to bring promos to review. ;)

In two weeks I go home and I can retrieve them. Will this be too long?
No man, no worries. I'm just saying this if you don't think you'll get round to them at all. I was actually thinking more along the lines of you having your parents send them to me direct, but if you're going home mid-term then no problemo.