Best songs of 2004.

In no predetermined order:

Into Eternity - Beginning Of The End
Orphaned Land - Halo Dies
Neurosis - The Eye Of Every Storm
Mastodon - Hearts Alive
Void Of Silence - Human Antithesis
Isis - Syndic Calls
My Dying Bride - Catherine Blake
Ayreon - Day 3: Pain
Dead Soul Tribe - Why?
Drudkh - Wind Of The Night Forests
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - The Donkey-Headed Adversary Of Humanity
Pain Of Salvation - Diffidentia
Evergrey - A Touch Of Blessing
Mercenary - Supremacy v2.0
SunnO - Decay2 (Nihil's Maw)
Morgion - Ebb Tide
Hmm, off the top of my head:

Exodus - Scar Spangled Banner
Crowpath - Like Flies to Flames
Mastodon - Megalodon (who am I kidding--the whole fucking album!)
Arsis - The Face of My Innocence
Machine Head - Imperium (if only the rest of the album was this good)
Isis - Will's Disolve (see the Mastodon comment)
Megadeth - Kick the Chair
Meshuggah - I
Doomcifer said:
Is that Les Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains????

If so, I am seeing 'em next Sunday. :kickass:
Yep. I'm either going to see them in NYC or wait until the play LA, not sure yet. That CD is pretty damn good!
matt99_crew said:
Machine Head - Imperium (if only the rest of the album was this good)
Eh, I thought the rest of the album was pretty kickass. Imperium is definitely the best though. This is one of those 2003/2004 CDs since they didn't have a distributor for the US until this year.
JayKeeley said:
Their debut was brilliant.

I haven't heard Mercenary's debut, but a few people told me it wasn't very good.


"Everblack", however, is awesome.
ProgMetalFan said:
I haven't heard Mercenary's debut, but a few people told me it wasn't very good.

"Everblack", however, is awesome.
Ooops! Sorry, I thought "Everblack" was their debut....I gave it a 9/10.

EDIT: OK I'm listening to the new one now, and although it's very good on first listen, it just seems to be missing that instant magic that "Everblack" had. I remember hearing "Everblack" the first time and thinking how great it was immediately, with those damn catchy choruses. Still, some of the best albums take a few spins....the solos on the new one are fantastic!
Anata-Sewerages of the Mind
Arsis-Return, The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters
Bergthron-Faust Fur Faust
Black Label Society-Queen of Sorrow, House of Doom, No Other, Once More, Fear
Borknagar-Future Reminiscense, Traveller, Relate, Circled, Wonder
Deathspell Omega-Sola Fide I & II, Carnal Malefactor
Decapitated-Three Dimensional Defect, The Empty Throne
Drudkh-The First Snow
Fission-Crater, Empty Nimbus, Eremiten
Hate Forest-With Fire and Iron
Lamented Souls-Hybris, Nemesis
Leviathan-What Fresh Hell
Shadows Fall-What Drives the Weak
Vintersorg-A Microscopical Macrocosm, Blindsight Complexity, Dark Matter Mystery, Curtains
Winds-Visions of Perfection, The Fireworks of Genesis
JayKeeley said:
EDIT: OK I'm listening to the new one now, and although it's very good on first listen, it just seems to be missing that instant magic that "Everblack" had. I remember hearing "Everblack" the first time and thinking how great it was immediately, with those damn catchy choruses. Still, some of the best albums take a few spins....the solos on the new one are fantastic!
I'll agree it doesn't have anything that sounds like an instant classic like Screaming From The Heavens or Seize The Night did, but many come close despite the increased complexity of the music and I think it's definitely on the same level as its predecessor.
bump. I just got through reading the best songs of 2003 thread, realizing along the way how many of those songs I love now that I hadn't heard at the time. So, I'd like to keep this alive with the hope that doesn't happen again..
I gotta say, I cannot get enough of "The Scorpion". Probably the catchiest chorus I've heard in a long, long while. Got it blasting in the car, plus Mustaine's solo could be some of his finest work in years.