Best songs of 2004.

VOID OF SILENCE - HUMAN ANTITHESIS. This is the answer to the question.

EDIT: Haha, here I think I'm all original bumping the thread to say this, and then 3 people already mentioned it :erk: I feel so behind
Mastodon - Seabeast
The rest of that album is pretty overrated but HOLY SHIT if that song doesn't rule.

John Frusciante - Carvel
Oh man this rocks so damn much, such awesome vocals.

Hypocrisy - Eraser
Rehash, but it still rocks.

Megadeth - uhhh... that one "I found my friends at 25" song.
JayKeeley said:
jzeit hamm - og fin werhmak
hahahahaha :lol: :fucny:
J. said:
Heol Telwen is really good. From some of the same guys in Nydvind (OMG rule!) and Bran Barr

We (as in Ancient Wind Records) were in contact with them back a couple months... I was supposed to be cutting a deal with them to get the demo in stock, but we never got a reply :confused:
I read "The Fountainhead" and "Anthem" a few years ago... loved them both at the time, but I've fallen out a bit with Mrs. Rand. While I agree with many of her ideas on the individuality and integrity, the whole "selfishness-is-cool" Capitalism thing is a bit of a jagged pill to swallow. As for her "philosophy" of objectivism... it isn't very respected in philosophical circles nor is it very popular. My argument for reading Ayn Rand: "read it, get what you can from it, and take it with a grain of salt."
Black Winter Day said:
I read "The Fountainhead" and "Anthem" a few years ago... loved them both at the time, but I've fallen out a bit with Mrs. Rand. While I agree with many of her ideas on the individuality and integrity, the whole "selfishness-is-cool" Capitalism thing is a bit of a jagged pill to swallow. As for her "philosophy" of objectivism... it isn't very respected in philosophical circles nor is it very popular. My argument for reading Ayn Rand: "read it, get what you can from it, and take it with a grain of salt."

Well said, I disagree with alot of what she says in her books. She helped me take ideas and opinions I already had an expand on them. So yes, take what you can. But don't take it as gospel. She's just represents one of many philopshical ideals that need to be gathered and weighed. Atlas Shrugged has the same emphasis as the Fountainhead, but it is twice as intrical. Dwelling deeper into her philosphy with the big 50+ page John Galt radio speech towards the end of the book. From a pure novel storyline standpoint. I found the Fountainhead to be more enjoyable. In closing, I highly recommend these books to anyone interested philosphy. They are literary opus's of the highest order. I certainly gained alot from them. (Some may gain more than others though, but that is up to the individual)