Super Friday Chinese Food in Baarlo!!!

I say we start when most people get to the Castle? We can decide then and there wether we want to wait on people or if we really have to leave if we want to get some grub before the first band starts :P

If we do have to set a time, lets say 5-5:30pm at the restaurant? That way we can eat for at least an hour before slowly making our way over to Sjiwa
So traffic will, we'll be there around 17.30-18.00, including Kalle. The food better not start before... I mean, the bands better not start before... I mean, leave us some food, ok?

Hey all,

I'm a (Dutch) friend of jaimek who was set to attend this dinner tonight, but apparently ended up in hospital. I don't know any details (just a tweet that she's there). Giving the timing of the tweet, I'm thinking there's a good chance she might still have attended (part of) this dinner before ending up in hospital. If so, maybe one of you knows what hospital she's in? If so, please PM me with that information? Me and another of her friends would like to try and visit her there.
I can't even begin to imagine how much it must suck for her to go and miss this event after she flew over from the USA for it. If anyone has suggestions for goodies or something we could try to acquire for her, that'd be most appreciated - I'm pretty certain nothing will be able to replace missing the atmosphere and being there, but maybe we could still get her to have some token of it all...

edit: Never mind, found out the hospital.
omg, being at the festival without knowing, coming home with so much excitement left, and now I'm reading this. I've changed to sadness within 10 seconds....:cry:

Can someone please keep us updated about how she's doing... what has happened... and if and what there is we can do for her?
(probably in a new thread, because "chinese food" is not a proper topic I guess...)
She's doing okay; hopefully being released from hospital tomorrow. Totally pissed off at the timing of things, I'm imagining. I'm going to visit her tomorrow - will let her know she was being thought of. (I know more of what happened, but since I don't know this community and how she fits in, I'm hesitant about posting about it. I guess she'll fill you all in herself when she's back.)
She trusted us enough (or so I hope) to be traveling along with us to Amsterdam on the way back. That was the plan anyways.

This makes me wonder. We saw someone lying passed out on the streets in Baarlo when we were on our way to the Chinese restaurant, with some people standing around. Didn't go close, since there were already people standing around and I figured they knew that person. And an ambulance was already on the way, cos we could hear it. Now I'm wondering if it was actually her lying there :(

Thanks for the info, Aan.
I was thinking the same. We had just passed with our car and parked between between Sjiwa and the church, then we started to walk toward the resturant and saw a girl laying on the ground just where we had pased a minute ago. It looked like she had been driven a moped/motorcycle and fell or bumped into a car. Once we reached the resurant we saw the ambulance and a police car coming that way. It was no fun start of the weekend. Hope she is doing better now.
Have you looke in the mirror today Mattias :) Another year older in just 72 hours

U know what I mean, she looked like a 15-20 year old girl..

But hey, you're right we are a few that are well preserved for our age:Saint: