Superbowl Picks


Metal Lives On!
Apr 17, 2005
Yakima, WA
I know that this is a little off the music topic, but I believe worth having.

With that said, my superbowl pick is of course, the Seahawks!!

I pick them because they are on :hotjump:
Hard to say?

Steelers are hard to beat right now.

They beat the Broncos pretty easily, and they beat the basically "unbeatable" Colts, and they beat the Bengals.

Those were the 3 best teams in the AFC, and the Steelers beat them all.

Also, this could be the last year that Jerome Bettis will be playing football before he retires; so he has a lot to play for.

For the Seahawks: They beat the Panthers pretty easily. They beat the Redskins pretty easily.

Shawn Alexander is racking up rushing yards right now.

Matt Hasleback is a very good quaterback, and it is tough for a Defensive lineman to get to Hasleback right now, b/c of big tough guys on the Offensive line protecting him from sacks.

Seahawks have a pretty good defense as well.

Seahawks have never been to a SuperBowl before and actually, until this year, they have never won a Playoff game. So they have a lot to play for to win a SuperBowl that they have never been at.
If Washington actually had an offense , they would of beat the SeaHags.

Steelers will be victorious !

Since 2000, I've picked the winner every year.

Of course, now that I've said that I've probably jinxed myself.

I say Steelers by 6. Of course, I'll be rooting for the Seachickens. It wouldn't be right to root against the home team. :D
I guess that Steeler gif is for after Matt Hasselbeck, Shawn Alexander, and Joe Jerevicus torch the defense for 500 yards and 5 TDs!! The Seahawks are for real, says the 12th Man! GO HAWKS!!
Robo, your just jealous because you don't have a team in the big game. And darthrya had it right, it's the Seachickens. :zombie:
steelers hands down..they've already beaten the 1st 2nd and 3rd seeds what makes you think think there not going to trample over that defense
pit 21, sea 10 - congrats steelers!
i thought the stones sounded great during halftime - oh and puppybowl II on animal planet rocked \m/ that poodle was doing some performance enhancers eh?
Stone said:
lets put it this way, the MVP(s) of the game were the Referees.

Lets put it this way:

You Lost.
Your star running back was held to under 100 yds.
Your W.R's dropped a dozen passes or caught them out of bounds.
Your QB overshot half of his passes.
The team as a whole made less big plays than Pittsburgh.

Your coach is an immature ,pompous ,sore loser by not even having a shred of decency and sportsmanship to shake the winning coaches hand after the game.

How about the non call against Manuel for helmet to helmet contact on Hines Ward....which caused Manuel to be out for the most of the game.

How about the spearing tackle non call made on Randle El during a punt return?

How about the illegal block non call in the back on Roethlisberger after he threw the INT?

Uh yeah....thats what I thought.

i'm not even going to waste my time explaining the tainted steelers victory to you, but lets leave it at this.......all of the steeler's game changing plays didn't get called back and all of seattle's game changing plays did.
Stone said:
i'm not even going to waste my time explaining the tainted steelers victory to you, but lets leave it at this.......all of the steeler's game changing plays didn't get called back and all of seattle's game changing plays did.

No No..go on...waste your time and watch the game again and tell me where the Steelers stole the game.

Enlighten me.

Recent issue of Sports Illustrated agreed with the 4 out of 5 calls , so since one questionable call was for 15 yards against Hasslback , I'll take it for the obvious 45+ yards of personal foul calls NOT MADE against the Seahawks.

Of course they didnt get called back. If memory serves , the Steelers went 3-4 games this season without a single offensive penalty.Amazing , yeah so they didnt have any penalties on those big plays....unlike the losing know the losing team....


Robo: Its spelled more attention in elementary school next time.
Okay calm down and don't be so excited, it's only a stinking football game, after all, not like it is important for anything that is of any benefit for the betterment of the human race.
yes, for sure, calm down. sheesh. You just had to get the last word word in didn't you fag legion2.

This thread, DONE.