Superbowl Predictions!

Gannon choked, horribly. That was a shock, for an MVP to play that badly. I can't think of a QB coming into a game of that magnitude, w/ such lofty stats and expectations and then blowing so badly since freshly minted Heisman winner Vinny Testaverde and the Hurricanes got slammed in the 1987 Fiesta Bowl. Of course that is college, but that is what comes to mind, Vinny threw 7 picks that game if I remember right.
intersting game american football,the games seem to go on forever,our version of football(rugby league)is ok,big difference is we dont wear helmets or all that padding that they wear!

we dont throw passes over the defences line,that would be a forward pass,and u only get six tackles and u have to hand the ball over!!!

i like rugby union u might be more familiar with that but its one hell of a brutal sport,no padding,bodies get stomped on in the fight for the ball.

while we're on the subject,baseball i cant get into either,we have cricket here and only one guy has gloves the rest have bare hands,the other thing is we have to bowl the ball we dont chuck it.

i have probably just offended everyone on this board but i just thought i would share that with you all.
Baseball is a really subtle sport. It takes years to develop an eye to catch all the subtleties of baseball to really enjoy it. If you don't have that eye, you'll just otherwise think of it as being boring.
yeah i wasnt bagging it,they do play it in australia,i can appreciate the sport.

since i started playing golf i am really starting to enjoy watching it lol,couldnt get much boring than that lol