Superior Drummer for Ableton Live8


Oblivious Metalhead
Sep 1, 2011
Cherokee, NC
Currently me and a friend are trying to record some music and we want to use Superior Drummer in Ableton. As of right now I can't figure out how to get the sounds from Superior Drummer to show up in Ableton and, I have no idea how to get to them through Ableton. Any help is appreciated.
You need to install the Superior drummer VST into your VST folder (which is probably already done). Ableton needs to know where this folder location is. By setting this file path in Ableton's preferences. This is assuming that you have not used any VST's in ableton, you have not given us a detailed explanation so we can only assume where you are at
Ableton can search for VSTs in the preference section but it should have found it anyway because Ableton will scan any newly added plugins automatically on start up and you should be able to use them straight away without any issues whatsoever. I use Ableton Lite 8 sometimes for tracking, my son uses it all the time, my mate uses Live9 and together we have never had this issue. The only trouble using SDx with Ableton is that, as far as I know or I couldn't figure it out, you can't use multiple outs from SDx to Ableton to further process the individual sounds which is why I jumped to Logic but that's another thread I guess.
...The only trouble using SDx with Ableton is that, as far as I know or I couldn't figure it out, you can't use multiple outs from SDx to Ableton to further process the individual sounds which is why I jumped to Logic but that's another thread I guess.

I have successfully done this with Ableton many times. A quick search in google will show you a tutorial video.

I don't have time to watch it so I do not know how good this video is
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Yeah the video is good ta,:grin: I was curious about this as I didn't think you could. I tried a few things to get this method of working on the go but in the end I just bounced the tracks from SDx and then imported them into Logic. It is certainly easier to multi out to Logic than Ableton but I liked Ableton for tracking, really clean and simple IMO.