Support in Hartford?

so ya show up at 9 if a "crap" band is playing you go outside around the corner, get some crack and a hoe.... kill an hour.... go back in

is there safe parking around this place ?

why are you saying all crap local acts........ microphone growling ? I believe in supporting local or less known bands... to a limit

No re-entry, or else I would.

And Webster has a $5 parking lot, or you could just park on the street right outside the lot for free. It's your call.

You asked which bands would be opening for Symphony X this Thursday in Hartford. I am the keyboardist of one of them. My band's name is Myopia, and together we hail from North Haven Connecticut. We are still selling tickets for $17.50 (cheaper than the door price) for that night if anyone is still interested in going, but has not bought their ticket yet. Just use one of the cantacts below to reach one of us, and we will work something out. We have been known to drive pretty far to get people their tickets. Anyhow, check us out below, and if you want a ticket, let us know because time grows slim...

Stay Metal!!!

(keys of myopia)
Great Concert, me and my brother were up near the bar area until the main show began. And as others said in this thread, the opening bands were horrible except the last opening band, they were okay.

3 or 4 songs into the Symphony X set this fucker kept pushing me to start a mosh pit, that was the only down part of the concert.
Great Concert, me and my brother were up near the bar area until the main show began. And as others said in this thread, the opening bands were horrible except the last opening band, they were okay.

3 or 4 songs into the Symphony X set this fucker kept pushing me to start a mosh pit, that was the only down part of the concert.

did you go to the 2nd stage at all, because there were some good ones playing. plus you guys do realize you can hang out in the lobby and hear very little of the bands you don't want to hear, right? I didnt think that last opener was particularily special at all
Well I found out about the second stage about the 3rd act in, but no point because that was crowded, I just peeped in for about a minute. Oh well!