Supreme Court rejects death penalty for raping children

It isn't excessive enough, which is why I'm against it. I'd much rather be put to death than spend my life in prison. Death sentence is too light of a punishment.
Read scientific literature on the biological effects of the death penalty (prior to the actual death) and you may change your mind.
Serial killers, serial rapists, etc. should be exterminated. I don't see why people should spend so much money trying to reform these wastes of oxygen by letting them rot in prison. Just step on them like ants.

If a person isn't mentally fit to stand trial, that's another thing. But people who are sane (or as sane as one could be) and still be able to commit these crimes should just be shot and the bullet charged to their next of kin. I'd like for them to be tortured, but that wouldn't make me any better a person than they are. Just exterminate them and cut out society's cancer. I don't see why people want to support ritual killers and rapists and child rapists by keeping them in prison for years on end, wasting tax dollars.

I just don't see what the big deal is about human life. If they are a waste of human life and are consistently causing pain and suffering to other people, they should have their lives taken from them. Living in a civil society should be a privilege and not a right.
That would aid quite considerably in the quest for adequate population control. From the point of view of utility, it's morally valid.
I don't really think of it as whats right or wrong, but more necessity. Anyone capable of doing things like this, needs to be permanently removed from society. Any society. Instead of hanging around in jail, getting gang connections and wasting tax dollars. Not to mention it might make people think about what they're doing a little more.
That would aid quite considerably in the quest for adequate population control. From the point of view of utility, it's morally valid.

That's kinda what I'm getting at. I'm not going to get bogged down in some moral dilemma about whether it's right or wrong to take another human life, no matter how much he/she may deserve it. I understand there is a gray area, as with all things, but people who have repeatedly caused serious pain and suffering to other people have not earned their right to exist in a civilized society. If he/she wants to move to a third world cannibal society instead of being put to death, that's fine. I'm speaking strictly of modern, advanced, and civil societies.

Or we could just launch them out in space to float for infinity.
the amount of money it takes to imprison someone for their entire life is ridiculous. fit a noose around their neck and be done with them. if we're going to put someone away FOREVER, why not do it in such a fashion that won't cost us anything?
I didn't look at it from the perspective of wasting tax dollars.

In that case, rapist should be tortured severely and barely kept alive for a bit before being put to death. One month of torture.
I hate to say it, but I am very "eye for an eye", although I realize it's not always the right solution in every case. If a person maliciously and without cause or remorse harms another human being, their life is forfeit.

Who was the comedian who challenged the notion, "an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind" when he said, "No it doesn't! You've still got one eye left!"

Hilarious but true.
Grey area is the correct term. Sweeping statements on the use of the death penalty/suitable punishment for criminals are never useful.

I will say this though, Joe Public should have absolutely no say on the issue.
I'm all a bit confused though with the amount of effort people are spending on taking the perps side. Once again, it is a grey area and I'm not talking about the small timers. I'm talking about the repeat and violent offenders.
There are total strangers who consistantly take thier side. I find it odd.

I also agree with this...

Originally Posted by derek
That would aid quite considerably in the quest for adequate population control. From the point of view of utility, it's morally valid.
We need Robocop!!!!

" Drop it! Dead or alive....You're coming...with me "

But honestly, take for example the two guys from the town near me who beat, rape, tortured an entire family, took one of the daughters to empty the family bank account. Killed the wife and two girls, set them AND the house on fire. They thought they had killed the father, but he managed to crawl out of the burning house seriously injured.

What do you do with those crooks? It was not a first offense for either of them, If I remember correctly.

And who would defend them because " they deserve " proper defense in a court?
That's a horrible example, though. It's crafted to incite a knee jerk response.

They do deserve a trial, and someone will defend them. I don't think that's really the problem here.