Supreme Court rejects death penalty for raping children

As far as I know about the situation I can say this:

Just let America (and the rest of the world) focus on stópping criminals from being created, instead of punishing the shit out of them which doesn't help a bit.
Instead of thinking of how heavy the punishment must be to lower criminality people have to create a nice fair society in which everyone can grow up without fucked up stuff around them which puts fucked up stuff in their heads.
Almost everyone in the same position of the "insane murderers" would probably have done the same.
It's more in the environment than that it is in the person, so it's not the person who has to change but the environment.
And I must say the people in charge and the rules all-in-all don't give a good example for people not to become criminals...
ok since you just graduated from college i wont yell at you, but simply ask that in a few years time after being in the real world you come back and read this absurd commie utopian nonsense and look back with nostalgia on how silly and naive and idealistic you were before reality crushed your dreams and laughed in your face :)
ok since you just graduated from college i wont yell at you, but simply ask that in a few years time after being in the real world you come back and read this absurd commie utopian nonsense and look back with nostalgia on how silly and naive and idealistic you were before reality crushed your dreams and laughed in your face :)

I'm not talking about the probabilities, I'm just saying the focus has to be put somewhere else to solve those problems. That's it.
And although I can't look into the future I don't think this is something to make up my mind on
Oh btw, before we will end up in a useless discussion in which both of us will not be enlightened by the wisdom of the other I have to say that I'm not the cynic you appear to be, so that probably creates a gap that can't be overcome
when you think about it it makes sense on a variety of levels - one of which being that this kind of ruling may save lives.
Oh btw, before we will end up in a useless discussion in which both of us will not be enlightened by the wisdom of the other I have to say that I'm not the cynic you appear to be, so that probably creates a gap that can't be overcome

Fine difference between a cynic and a realist sir.
In a country where are large chunk of us want to kill the unborn beings whom haven't been granted the ability of rational thought, we suddenly want to protect the lives of those beings that have gained rational thought and used it to plot the rape of little Katie, obviously because she looked seductive on the jungle bars, while all of her friends watched and were told "Once I pull my dick outta this 5 year old slut... YOUR NEXT!"?

This puzzles me.
Well, I agree on that point. The number of people pro-abortion but anti-death penalty is probably ridiculous high. Fuckers.

It is quite high. Fucking pro-choice liberals are just as ridiculous as pro-life conservatives in most cases. If I had a dollar for every hypocritical statement I've heard from both ends I'd have... 200 russian brides and half a mule.
I say let the mother decide if she wants to suck the baby out of her stomach, and any motherfucker who commits a death worthy crime (any crime that seriously harms the living conditions of another person), and has been proven guilty in a court of law after a complete trial (IE, give the defendant and his lawyers enough time to come up with reasonable evidence proving he could not have been the murderer and enough time for the prosecution to come up with enough shit to prove he is the murderer, then compare and contrast), should be killed inside the court room immediately. Stop wasting our tax dollars on this life in prison and this 25 years of appeals bullshit. Kill the motherfucker, get him out of the way, and spend our money on something useful... Like healthcare!
Abortion has long been proved rationally and ethically unsupportable. Contrary arguments almost always rely on appeals to external forces.

If you're referencing the fact that an embryonic fetus is essetially just a gloopy pile of cells then yes, I agree. There is a difference. It is relevant to the discussion though.
Fuck this shit... we should just go back to Hammurabi's law.

Steal something? Ain't got the money to pay for it 30 fold? DEATH!

Kidnap a child? DEATH!

Find a runaway slave? Return him and claim a reward! Slave trying to say the master you're returning him to isn't his master? CHOP OFF HIS EAR!

Don't fuck your wife? She's not your wife!

Judge makes a mistake and gives a wrongful fine? Make the Judge pay out of his own pocket.

Making an accusation against another person? Better float in that river or you're losing your fucking house. But if you do float? DEATH TO THE ACCUSED!

Woman doesn't have sufficient reason to leave you? DROWN THE BITCH!

That man knew how to write a good fucking set of laws.
The Roman punishment for Patricide was to flay you alive, and sew you to a dog, a snake, a monkey and a cockerel, toss you all into a sack and throw you in a river.

It's only attested to have happened twice in extant evidence, but you gotta feel for those two dudes.