Supreme Court rejects death penalty for raping children

I wish we still lived in the sword age. I would have trained everyday from a young age and made something of myself, or died honorably in battle.

You can still die honorably in just depends if the battle is honorable to begin with. It's probably easier now because you're automatically labeled a hero if you just GO to Iraq or Afghanistan.

There's nothing like getting shot in the ass and then coming home to a tickertape parade, huh? Gay.

The average American's patriotism meter is low now because all of a sudden they decided that the price of gas is more important than their so-called stalwart feelings towards their country and support of this war. I wonder where all that "patriotism" went. Actually it wasn't there to begin with...just blind nationalism.

But then again, you start fucking with other people's money and they'll sell their own mother.
It's not as it used to be. Once, when you collected the Kings Shilling and his uniform, you'd have women hanging off both arms, and several who were willing to hang off something else altogether! Now you get the love and respect of a whole bunch of middle class dullards, who think you're a hero, but would never have the balls to sacrifice anything themselves.
Sometimes I think it almost would help mankind's attitude if we were forced to go back to the days when you had to fight or else your village/city-state would be destroyed by a rival village/city-state.
Sometimes I think it almost would help mankind's attitude if we were forced to go back to the days when you had to fight or else your village/city-state would be destroyed by a rival village/city-state.

One city state would establish hegemony eventually and they would either raze your city state to the ground or you'd become a shadow of your former self, despite giving the bastards everything they have!
One city state would establish hegemony eventually and they would either raze your city state to the ground or you'd become a shadow of your former self, despite giving the bastards everything they have!

Only to have it all conquered by some random dude from the north a few decades later, and then next thing you know, you're thousands of miles to the east under the command of some kid!
Well, I agree on that point. The number of people pro-abortion but anti-death penalty is probably ridiculous high. Fuckers.

Wait. I have a really big problem with this. Killing someone who is conscious of his existence, and probably has friends and family who will miss him, is no better than what the criminals themselves do. Abortion is a woman's choice to destroy something that cannot survive without her, and is not sentient that it is alive. If abortion is illegalized, we'd basically be saying that women can't have sex unless they want kids, because there will always be the risk of getting pregnant.
It's difficult to defend abortion from any point of view other than appealing to right of a women to do what she wishes to her own body. From a philosophical point of view, the potential for life is morally the same as actual life. Peter Singer's work is probably the best example of that. Now, I'm not necessarily against abortion, for I feel taking a purely rational view on it is dangerous, but there is an element of hypocrisy in supporting abortion but condemning the death penalty, for what is being terminated can be equated, depending on how one views it.

Plus, I can't see how illegalising abortion would be tacitly telling women not to have sex unless they want kids. It would remove an option, but there are plenty of preventative alternatives.
Potential for life? Well I guess jerking off is the same as murdering somebody, because you're destroying potential life.

No birth control is 100%, so yes, that is what it would imply. If it ever is illegalized, I'm sterilizing myself.
Well, sperm on its own cannot grow into a human being, a fertilised egg can. Potential for life really only applies to the later. By your definition a mud puddle could hold the potential for life, if you hold the development of our species are generally accepted to be true.

Having no sex is a 100% surefire method of birth control.

I'm not against abortion, in fact I think it's a reasonable procedure, considering the evidence and in the correct circumstances. I do think it is often too easily accepted by people somewhat abstract from it, there are a wealth of things to consider, and even some rational things to deny before it can be embraced. So I'm not denouncing those tho support abortion, only saying I find the more vocal groups that support it to be idiots, hypocrites and often clueless. There is a right and a wrong way to support abortion, and most people, in my experience, are in the latter group.

I have personal experience with it, and I found something profoundly discomforting about the entire thing. I'd just rather it was considered holistically rather than supported or campaigned against based entirely on one dimensional and emotional responses that seem to me to be knee jerk and ridiculous.
I personally think the whole of being "For or against abortion" is a joke.

Those who are considered "for abortion" are simply for giving people the right to make their own decisions. The term "for abortion" wrongly implies "YEAH I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD ABORT BABIES YA". Whereas those who are "against abortion" are claiming abortions should never happen. I don't think there even is a specific "for abortion" party.

Whenever I see the question "are you for or against abortion?" I always let out a massive sigh.
Having no sex is a 100% surefire method of birth control.

Which is why I'm saying that banning abortion makes it so that women can't have sex without the risk of having a child.

I have absolutely no moral issues with abortion. A zygote, or even a fetus, is not a person. Terminating its life is a much less painful experience than bringing it into a world where its parents do not fully want or love it.