Supreme Court rejects death penalty for raping children

I'm not looking for a knee jerk response, something that terrible needs to be thought out and thought about.
For those criminals I'd rather them put to death if convicted. The chances of them coming out all spanking happy, healthy and rehabbed is close to zero.
I'm not necessarily against that. Providing a trial takes place and rehab is considered pointless then I don't have too much hostility towards the death penalty. My decision has absolutely nothing to do with money, though. I find it disgusting that these arguments often spiral into a raging debate over tax dollars.
I'm not necessarily against that. Providing a trial takes place and rehab is considered pointless then I don't have too much hostility towards the death penalty. My decision has absolutely nothing to do with money, though. I find it disgusting that these arguments often spiral into a raging debate over tax dollars.

I agree, but it does cost a lot of money. I mean criminals get quite a bit of luxury these days though.
Well, that's another thing isn't it. Part of the reason prison may fail as a mode of rehabilitation is that it is becoming too soft.
Its funny, people who're convicted of murder and are let go ten years later due to new evidence.
Thats why the death penalty is flawed.
Though I do agree if they are caught in the act and can't change then a bullet should change their minds.
Its funny, people who're convicted of murder and are let go ten years later due to new evidence.
Thats why the death penalty is flawed.

Mostly in Texas. Seriously. I honestly think they added fast track death penalty clauses BECAUSE they fuck it up so much in a hurry to get the perceived bad guys off the street they'd rather him dead than have to apologize later and risk paying him money.
David by "too soft" I mean the general treatment they receive in prison. I'm mainly talking about the UK prison system here, but it may apply elsewhere.

Since the 80s the conditions of prisons have greatly increased, which is fine, but there has been an emphasis on quality of life for prisoners (a offshoot of our post modern world, if you like) and they've gradually been given more and more liberties within prison.

Television, PS3's, phone calls, outside visits, access to drugs, food and all sorts of other niceties that perhaps negate the point of prison. Prison officers are restricted in what they can do and say to prisoners, and it's reached the point now of stupidity. They cannot swear, cannot be aggressive and cannot punish any prisoner in any form without approval from the Governor (often a bureaucrat).

Many of them live an easy life inside, they are treated like hotel guests by the Prison Service, are free for entire days to take part in whatever recreation activities are available (an increasing amount, btw), they are fed well and their nefarious activities are often overlooked, for the staff have little power to do anything, and even if they did, our bullshit government would be upset about the shit storm it may create and immediately kick start the spin engines.

My father used to be Head of Security for the Scottish Prison Service, so I have a little inside knowledge.
As far as I know about the situation I can say this:

Just let America (and the rest of the world) focus on stópping criminals from being created, instead of punishing the shit out of them which doesn't help a bit.
Instead of thinking of how heavy the punishment must be to lower criminality people have to create a nice fair society in which everyone can grow up without fucked up stuff around them which puts fucked up stuff in their heads.
Almost everyone in the same position of the "insane murderers" would probably have done the same.
It's more in the environment than that it is in the person, so it's not the person who has to change but the environment.
And I must say the people in charge and the rules all-in-all don't give a good example for people not to become criminals...