Surtur Rising impressions


Amon Amarth Viking
Jun 11, 2005
Silent Hill
So guys? How do you like it? I'm still on my first listen right now, but it's been great so far! Favourite tracks? Least favourite? Let's discuss!
my favorite track are : (not in like order )

Doom Over Dead Man
The last stand of frej (even though i was disapointed the solos were not made nor by johan nor olavi)
live without regrets
for vicrtory or death
war of the gods
slaves of fear
Töck's taunt
destoryer of the universe

least favorites:
A beast am i (the fast part is excellent, but the way it loses brutality in the middle kills the song)
wrath of the norsmen (not very energetic nor epic, just normal song)
I like the album, but I have to say it could have been a little better (but I normally don't like all songs on ANY album, from any artist, so no news there)

Favorite songs (somewhat in order) :
Live without regrets
Destroyer of the universe
Slaves of fear (listened to it too much before the album came out though)
Wrath of the Norsemen
The Last Stand of Frej (too bad it doesn't pick up untill 4:15, but it's only 5:38 long)

Least favorite:
A beast am I (not melodic enough IMO)
Have to say, if it wasn't for the BoB DVD excitement I would be be quite disappointed. Don't get me wrong AA are still a cut above everyone else but in terms of AA standard for me at least they seem to be losing a bit more of what makes them special each album since WOOOS.

Bit disappointed too that the marketing department didn't focus on making a standalone DVD of this once in a band's lifetime event rather than making fucking figurines for all the kids.
I was disappointed at first but it's grown on me over time. I think it's better than Twilight of the Thundergod.
I'm really liking it after a few listens. I like Slaves of Fear, but that's mostly because of the lyrics.
I haven't had time to just sit and listen without trying to do a million other things at once, so it's difficult to form anything more than an initial impression at the moment. I'm pretty excited for when I find time to watch the Bloodshed DVD though.
I really like the album! Have had it in my stereo and car radio since the release, so I had quite a few listens.
The more I listen it, the more I like it. There's no song on there I would call boring, bad or whatever.
Can't wait to here some of them live.
Another excellent album...

My fav so far :

A Beast Am I (amazing riff and great scream in the beginning lol)...the accoustic part is also excellent...but the way it is brought in the song's like that part is a distinct song...
Victory or death (greath melody by the synth-like guitar...I like the tempo of the song)
War of the Gods

Least Favorite :
- Wrath of the Norsemen (was expecting a fast, aggressive and melodic song with such a title)...the only song I sometimes skip while listening the album...
- Doom over dead man...tough the more I listen the song the more I appreciate it...
- Last stand of frej

Congratulation to Amon're very talented !!!
Or all of them?

I'm not expecting my Cali trip to be so awesome as the Bochum nights, but at least I can go back and say I've heard the new album played live, and three times too :D

They will play the album in total, won't they?
At least in the US is what I heard...
So jealous :(
They will play the album in total, won't they?
At least in the US is what I heard...
So jealous :(

From what I've heard yes, 2 shows per night, 1 being SR and one being mixed older songs.

Pretty much like Bochum, though "only" the one total album.

I'm not happy you're jealous, even though it's fun to be part of the crowd that will see this tour and the Bochum one :)
You should come with!
Book flights, act crazy, be more like gnoff! :D
i like the album, only played it twice so far, i'm glad the cover versions are not on my copy, although i do like them, i can see amon amarth doing a covers album in the future. stand out songs so far war of gods, live without regrets and destroyer of the universe.
From what I've heard yes, 2 shows per night, 1 being SR and one being mixed older songs.

Pretty much like Bochum, though "only" the one total album.

I'm not happy you're jealous, even though it's fun to be part of the crowd that will see this tour and the Bochum one :)
You should come with!
Book flights, act crazy, be more like gnoff! :D

Haha, tempting :)
When is this trip of yours?