Amon Amarth should never do slows part again, i hate it, and i'm sure a lot more people hate it too; if they start doing slow parts they will lose their pinch, they will be like all the other bands, they should stay brutal and melodic, and do more songs like gods of war arise and victorious march
I absolutely LOVE the slower songs by AA

For example Under the Northern Star is just epic stuff in my opinion, and so is The Last Stand Of Frej.
Right now I'm listening to this:
Simply beautiful I think.
I definately do not mind slow songs, neither blastbeats. If they keep the right balance between fast slow and midetempo everything is fine.
My opinion about Surtur Rising:
I think AA managed to deliver another outstanding piece of music. I think it's pretty much on par with TOTTG regarding the quality level, slightly below WOOOS though.
War of the Gods is pretty much the perfect opener just like Twilight... was for the last album. Chorus melody is just sticking in your brain, beautiful solo. Nice kick-off
I really like the gloomy atmosphere of Töck's Taunt. And the semi-acoustic part leading into another solo is damn great as well as the chorus is another time. These guys just know how to set highlights with their choruses

Would like to hear some more acoustic parts in the future. If blended in well at the right position those could really create some outstanding moments and make AA's sound a bit more diverse. Would love to hear this song live together with Hermods Ride to Hel!
Destroyer of the Universe: The title says it all I guess

Brutal Verse turning into melodic chorus = Hit works once more. A real neckbreaker!
Slaves of Fear: Very solid midtempo Song with another damn sticky melody and also very nice melodic verse riffing. And once you got the outro melody in your head it stays there...
Live without Regrets did not impress me too much on the first listen but this one is definately a grower. Really like it by now. Typical AA stuff I would say. Solid and very good, but not too outstanding.
The Last Stand of Frej is one the Highlights on SR in my opinion. The melody in the middle part gives me fucking goosebumps everytime and the slight orchestration just increases the epicness of it

Don't like the solo on this one too much though, just not fitting so good into the song as all the other ones on this Album. Didn't know why in the first place but after reading in the booklet that it is done by a guest I know why it doesn't fit.
For Victory or Death sounds a bit cheesy on the first runs but after getting used too the sound of the intro melody I recognized this one as another great addition to this album. Once again it's the middle part that makes it outstanding to me. No one can do these riffings like AA
Why did they make Wrath of the Norsemen so short?! This chorus just cries out for another repetion after an epic solo or something put in between. This melody can haunt you for days...but there's worse things on earth I guess
A Beast I Am hadn't had too muc impact on me instantly but I think it is pretty solid stuff. A bit too unmelodic for AA though. The slower part is pretty good. After a while this one gets catchier. Still not got a sticky melody to it.
The Interlude is ok, nothing outstanding though.
Doom Over Dead Man may have the weakest opening of all Songs on the Album. There's just a tad too much orchestration for an AA song. Nice experiment though. As the song goes on it gets better and better. Once more the Tremolo-Part + the Outro really stand out on this one. All in all a bit weaker than the rest, still very good though
Alltogehter another really amazing Album by almighty Amon Amarth

(just like expected

). Great job guys! Keep it up! Can't wait for May 24th
Haven't watched the DVD yet, probably gonna do that tonight