Inner Peace

New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2006
I am listening to this cd now and WOWOWOWOW. The last cd "Silvery Image" was good, more power than prog (which is not a bad thing, I mean), but this one is going to leave it's mark on the metal genre, GUARANTEED. This cd is already a classic and it's not out yet (next week though). To make a simple description it's AS GOOD AS Symphony X "The Odyssey" AND Dream Theater "Images and Words", YES I SAID IT!!!! Just wait, this cd is f*****g EPIC......HUGE!!!!!!!! Nightmare records has a monster here:headbang:
Is it just me, or do there seem to be a few recycled breakdowns between "April In The Fall" and "Subliminal Delusions?"

There are many "recycled" ideas on the album. The CD is broken up into two parts that can be considered two 30+ minute long songs. The Alignment of Galaxies uses a motive that first appears on keyboard, then alto saxophone, then gets bounced around the orchestra, until finally being a guitar-based motive on the penultimate track of the first half. The Origin of a Curse doesn't have just one idea per se, but a collection of them that originate in "April in the Fall" and then are reused as a verbatim quotation or reworked in a way when it's still recognizable but with a different vibe. With each listen you will be able to pick up more of these, as you will become more familiar with the story.
CARRIED AWAY? LOL, Don't you think Suspyre deserves props rather than I getting doubted? It is a bold statement but the cd IS THAT GOOD:kickass:

And thank you for the comments! I appreciate it. There is no such thing as "getting carried away." I have noticed that people are so jaded recently and rarely get excited anymore. I think it's awesome that you're that enthusiastic. Thanks again!
And thank you for the comments! I appreciate it. There is no such thing as "getting carried away." I have noticed that people are so jaded recently and rarely get excited anymore. I think it's awesome that you're that enthusiastic. Thanks again!

****You are right Gregg, fans nowadays seem to focus on what the cd lacks rather than what it brings to the table. The new Suspyre deserves enthusiasm, it is extremely well done. You guys rocked at the prog house in Jersey with Zero Hour by the way. :OMG:
WoW! I was totally impressed with their debut a couple years back, for the progressive metal fan this year Suspyre has really done it...truly A GREAT Divide!!!!!!
The more I listen to this cd, the more I love it. 2007 just started and this might be disc of the year for me.
I like the CD a lot. And I for one absolutely love "recycled" themes. It brings the album together and makes it into more of a journey than just a collection of tracks. While I tend to prefer things more on the power side than the progressive side and was hoping for more songs like City Under Sands and Serpent I Am, this is certainly a great album that I hope will bring Suspyre even more recognition.

Can't wait to see you guys on a more substantial tour. Keep it up.
Awesome album, though at this point I think I like the debut more. But both are some serious rock n roll! :kickass:

I was REALLY hoping for Suspyre to play the Showcase this year. :(
I got the new CD from NIGHTMARE RECORDS, and to be honest, I haven't been able to take it out of my CD player, every time i listen to it i hear something different. This is an awesome sophmore release by the guys in SUSPYRE. If you haven't gotten it yet, do yourself a favor and get it soon, it will amaze you with the quality of sound and playing ability these guys have.