Suspyre YouTube channel


Video caption: "As promised, a new studio update. Gregg thought April was just having a conversation in the other room, not recording his improvisational solo ideas he was showing Andrew."

Candid can and did. :p


Studio catch phrase of the day: "Where's the Chinese (food)?" [spoken with pseudo-Western twang]

Video caption: "As promised, a new studio update. Gregg thought April was just having a conversation in the other room, not recording his improvisational solo ideas he was showing Andrew."

Candid can and did. :p


Studio catch phrase of the day: "Where's the Chinese (food)?" [spoken with pseudo-Western twang]

I have no idea where those weird accents come from. I guess it's from being cramped up in a small room all day!

There are plenty of good clips from yesterday; I might post some later this week.