Swallow the sun /Orange amps

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Does somebody knows which amps sts use, especially on their last album ''Hope''. I REALLY love their guitar sound. On their website they say they use orange amps and engl powerball, but from what I heard orange amps don't have enough gain for this kind of metal, so I'm wondering if it is only a powerball...

The Rockerverb and Thunderverb would have enough gain easily. Remember its all about quad-tracking, so its layers of gain and also the thickness of that Orange cab that gives it 'that tone'. My bet would be on the Rockerverb, as the Thunderverb wasn't out when Hope was recorded. Awesome band btw!
neither do most people on this forum

Uhhh, what? The presence of a TS hardly counts, since IT IS NOT BEING USED AS A BOOST BUT ONLY FOR ITS EQ EFFECT ARRRRGGGHHHHH (don't know if that's what you were implying, but I figured I'd make a preemptive strike ;))
i'm tellin' ya. try a Rockerverb. any thoughts of Orange being low-med gain will end right there. i tried the 50w head through an Orange 2x12 and was very impressed. top notch construction, features, and sound. if i had the cash, i would have bought it.
Jämy indeed uses orange with an orange cabinet. Raivio plays with Engl Powerball connected to a Krank cabinet.
But they told me that they had at least four individual tracks recorded/each take. A couple of differend cabinets and stuff...
At least on the last album.
I've got a Tiny Terror, and an Orange 1x12 Vintage 30... put a tube screamer in front of it and it's pretty damn tight. I've got a Gibson with stock pickups, and a Jackson with EMG81s. The EMGs tend to be a bit flatter sounding, but get much more distortion out of that amp. The Gibson gives me a sound VERY similar to The Sword
Bumping this thread, cuz while the guitar tone is of course incredible, the bass and toms especially really fucking blow me away as well. Anyone know what was used for bass on this album?