Swano to sing on new Ayreon album

i trust Dan, he's proven to blow me away with
99% of the stuf he's released. but i, on
the other hand, think Ayreon
blows.... so we'll see
what happens
If everything goes as planned a new N.G record will be recorded this summer. By the whole band ( of course ). N.G is a band these days and not a Dan ( Dag ) projekt. Dan and I have 4-5 song each ready for rehersals and recording. One song is 10 minutes long and very progressive. The rest is a mixture of hardrock with soft and poppy moments. It´s gonna kick ass !


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Originally posted by Gurgelguff
One song is 10 minutes long and very progressive.

It still amazes me that people who really pushed metal and became flagbearers for what "progressive" is, are still using the term to mean what "progressive" was 20 years ago... (I assume you're not using 'progressive' in the Pan-Thy-Monium freak-out 'what the hell' definition. :))... you farts. :)