There's something that sets it apart from everything else. I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm not talking in the sense of "I like to listen to project A more than project B" either.
I guess I get the feeling that Dan was into Unicorn a lot more than the others, maybe? And I think that comes out into the overall presentation of the music. (Except for Ever Since, cause that one is kind of a dud.)
I really love the production on Dan's mid 90's projects (like say Emotional Wasteland or the first two Nightingale cds): still on Analog, crispy clear sounds, mastered well without using up every bit of head room like it seems you are required to do nowadays...
And the more I've listened to Unicorn, the more and more I like the songs and realize how well written most of them are. I remember when I first heard it, I pretty much dismissed it as entirely too cheesy and ridiculous, mainly cause of the lyrics. Now it's like I don't even care what the lyrics are cause the melodies are cool and the songs are just....well...well written!
It's funny to tell people I like a band named Unicorn as well since I am known for my extreme musical taste. "You listen to a band called WHAT?" But to me Unicorn is just out on another different kind of extreme; a band isolated way far away from the mainstream....
This is starting to turn into rambling cause I'm pretty tired, so let's just say I like Unicorn.