Switching from E tuning to C# - help please


New Metal Member
May 10, 2011
Hi guys, I'm new to this site and found it while googling a problem I've got. I have quite a few years' experience of home recording using all the usual software and had settled into a fairly good mixing routine to achieve the results I wanted with my standard E-tuned metal. I can end up with an RMS of around -10 which I think is acceptable for home recording and the result is fine, although sounds a bit trebly when sat next to modern down-tuned stuff.
For my next album i've joined the 21st century at last and decided to tune down to C#. I've spent ages sculpting my tone which has turned out far easier as it doesn't sound so naturally harsh as E. The problem is I've done a test run using the same mastering process and my result is a very well rounded sound eq-wise but I'm only hitting -15db RMS which seems way too quiet. I know, I know, loudness is way down the list of priorities but I would at least want to hit the same volume as my older stuff.
If I try and squish it further I tend to lose a lot of high end snare and cymbals for some reason and I don't want to destroy what I consider to be a good mix overall.
So my question is: does anyone have any tips for the mixing process that's different when in lower tuning than E? I have a feeling I must be missing some EQ clashes here and there but I haven't been able to find them yet. Any opinions much appreciated, cheers.
Post a clip would help you the most here :).
You should be able to hit -10 rms without any problems, so it seems like there is some serious issues going on in the mix tbh.
Paying more attention to the low ens of your mix might be a good idea. Because everything is tuned lower, you have more bassfrequencies wich really take up a lot of space. Start cutting there. Or use a tubescreamer in front of your amp to tighten up the low end of your guitar before it gets to tape. And posting clips will be helpfull as well. :)
If you're tuning lower your fundamental guitar frequencies will be lower, around 70Hz for C sharp, so make sure not to cut too much of that out with your high-pass filters etc, the rest of the harmonics etc will be lower too
cheers guys, I'll post something in a couple of weeks, I'm actually moving house shortly so have just packed everything up and can't do any bouncing.
The guitar/bass EQ is certainly interesting when moving to this tuning, I find the guitars way easier to sound good than in E, but much harder to get a good clear bass tone that sits between kick and low-end guitar. It could well be the bass causing me the problem.
In E I'd roll off my guitars at about 175Hz, giving me around 75-100hz space for the bass between them and the kick depending on the mix - any tips on some good EQ areas to watch for slotting kick/bass/gtrs in when tuned down this low?