Sy-X in Mokena

J-Dubya 777

It NEVER ends
Nov 7, 2004
Cheeseland USA
Posted this to the mail list, & figured I'd share here:

Just a few words on my first trip to The Pearl Room in Mokena, IL for the Sy-X show.

Venue: (The Pearl Room)Good enough for what it is, LOUD sound system, was about ¾ full.

Sacred Dawn – Wasn’t really into them at all

Echoes of Eternity – Hot babe front woman whose vocals seemed to be somewhat out of place, hard to describe, maybe too atmospheric in spots? Best song was the last one they played. Vox sounded GOOD.

Sanctity – Fun Thrashy band.

Sy – X: Same set list they have been playing. Russell Allen has evolved even further into the God of front men everywhere. Great performance by EVERYONE. Ran into a few fellow Sy-X’ers, in some cases, quite literally! (Hi Amanda!) Good to see some familiar faces there!

Moshing: I kind of expected a pit for Sanctity, and we got it. What was somewhat irritating was the moshing during Sy-X. Yeah, I’m fucking old, and even back when I was younger, I always found moshing at these kinds of events pretty pointless & inconsiderate. I had one or two people take two cheap shots on me. I was not in the pit. I was about 7 heads from the front of the stage. We pretty much became the wall for one side of the pit. Do I have to turn my back on the band I paid good money to see to watch out for a few assholes? Maybe I should have! While I don’t particularly like being jostled & shoved around, I’ll tolerate it to a degree. Once people go for doing physical harm to people NOT involved in the pit, it becomes VERY uncool. Do you REALLY need to mosh to a somewhat mellow tune like “The Odyssey”? Are you REALLY that much of a pussy that you have to cheap shot someone when their back is turned to you? Cheap shot #1 – just above the left kidney. Back turned, no idea it was coming. I’m a tough old dog, and all this did was piss me off, and got me into some verbal ugliness with a couple of the moshing assholes. Cheap shot #2 – BULLSEYE! Took a forearm/shoulder/knee to my right kidney. Fell backwards to the floor. Thanks to a couple random dudes and a friend from the Sy-X & Prog Power forums for helping me get to my feet quickly. More ugly exchanges. The rest of Sy-X’s “The Odyssey” went on without incident. Stopped at a highway oasis. Took a painful piss, got some food, dropped a friend off at his home, and drove back to my bomb shelter in Wisconsin. Took another piss. Yay! Blood in my urine! If it continues in the morning, I’m off to the ER. Fuckers!

I now will have a zero tolerance for moshers. Next time something like this happens, BAD things are going to happen. I guarantee it. Mark my words! I’m now on a mission!

Icing on the cake – Friend of mine, who is relatively new to Symphony X enjoyed the show and is 100% into the band, especially after witnessing it live. Wanted to do the right thing, and support this new band he likes, and purchase a cd on his way out. AS we’re cruising home, he opens the factory sealed digipack, and finds not only no booklet, but no cd!!!!!!!! He’s pissed, and I will use what little pull I have to get this resolved for him. He paid $15 for an EMPTY digipack. WTF!

I’m taking a couple Viccodin’s and calling it a night…

EDIT: No pics, while Jax told me the day before that the band didn't care about pics, and encouraged me to get some shots to share, an announcement was made to the people in line outside that it wasn't the venues policy on pics, but was the band's choice. He didn't say WHICH band, but I would assume the headliner may be the one with the final say. Bummed out about this...
Oh fuck that dude, I've been involved in a few pits in my time, but there's ALWAYS going to be respect for people who are outside the pit when i'm in it. I've had too many shows ruined by assholes who don't know where to end. Sure, it's a metal show, you have to expect a bit of this here and there, but to cause that much pain? fuck that. I would have started laying people out, and i'm not a big guy, nor do i fight. Seems as though i've been in a fighting mood lately though...
The moshing was out of place. I love moshing at thrash shows, but it just doesn't work at Symphony X.

I was there. Didn't like Sanctity, the girl from Echoes of Eternity was fucking hot, and Sacred Dawn was good, but their mix was messed up (too much bass and drums).

And of course, Symphony X made my weekend. I was literally bowing to Russell Allen throughout the show.
Thanks for the well wishes! I'll be fine. I did go to the ER, moderate bruising, no laceration that they can see without doing an MRI. X-Rays and a couple pills to flush me out. I'll be a human peeing machine today, but no blood since I got back home late this morning. Still glad I went, I hadn't seen them since the BG/Sy-X tour in Chicago.
Great show last night (except for your issue J-Dubya - hope you are okay).

Open acts were entertaining. EoE was my favorite opener. Music was great. Vocals were great at times, but sometimes didn't seem to fit. But I thought that when hearing After Forever for the first time.

Symphony X delivered as promised. Great set list. Everyone was definitely on their game during this busy tour. Seeing the Odyssey made it that much better! Excellent track selection from PL too.

And for $25 I feel like I ripped off the band! If any band members or band staff read this, I think you could charge $35 and still get the same crowd. But I'll of course gladly pay the $25 charge anytime!
Yea, Im too old to get the moshing thing, it seems like agressive behavior to me and aggressive behavior has concequences around me, so fortunantly I did not wind up in your position. I did see a few wanks out there desperately trying to locate and prove their hormone levels but had more interest in the band so forgot all about them. I think they were containing it.

I bought the Echoes of Eternity CD .....twice I think but thats another story and I could be wrong but I seem to remember a previous twenty being handed a few minutes before I dug for another one to get the "autographed" CD. Whatever, I told them they were worth the price of admission alone ...... However ... listening to the CD I feel they rehash the same thing throughout and I didnt get that from the few songs live. Maybe I was just in LUV ..... Ha ! She sings like an opera singer kinda like the Nightwish lady maybe, and seems to be one track on the CD too but had a bit more grit live in places.

I agree about ticket prices, ours was 18 advance so they didnt make crap for that show. I also found it amazing when I checked out their touring schedual, thats alot of riding in a bus for peanuts of an income. Probably covers the diesel fuel and food. I hope they get more exposure & following or we may not see them again. Jon Oliva stated years ago he would never tour the states again and I see why.

Could you estimate the crowd size of your show ? I figured 200 at ours

Shoulda been rappers ..........
Great show last night (except for your issue J-Dubya - hope you are okay).

Doing ok, just going to take it easy for a couple days, at work & at home.

:( Get better sooooooooooooon!!! *hugs**

*Obviously *very* gentle ones

Thanky! I'll be fine! All is well, just a bit sore. I just REALLY wanted to know WHO it was... Would have been a service to the crowd, as well as the moshers, to take that dude OUT, once & for all.
And for $25 I feel like I ripped off the band! If any band members or band staff read this, I think you could charge $35 and still get the same crowd. But I'll of course gladly pay the $25 charge anytime!

35 dollars is way too much for a show most of the time. This is always so irritating because the prog/power metal bands always rape on ticket prices (and you're right... unfortunately 25 bucks IS low) and merch prices (35 for a t-shirt? Fuck me gently...), and yes, this IS a genre specific thing. Go to a high-profile death metal or black metal show and you'll more often than not pay 20 bucks TOPS at the door, but usually between 10 and 15. Shirts should never run more than 25 bucks or else it's just rape.

And yes, i'm aware there are exceptions like Dimmu, who suck so horribly now that no one wants to see them anyway (at least no one who's been a fan for more than 8 minutes)
Ah, and i can smell you guys coming:


Symphony x is a great live band, no doubt about it. Still, some of the best shows i've EVER seen i have paid around 5 or 7 bucks for. And no, i'm not talking about shows with a KILLUR PIT MAENG... i probably shouldn't even try to explain this here :lol:
The Mokena show was killer, guys. Venue is alright...I'm from the area so I'm used to the crap at the Pearl Room.

One thing I do gotta say, though...Michael Romeo. I know that you hate pirating. I know that you hate bootlegs. But you know what sucks? Waiting in a long ass line to get a good spot at the show, and then being told at the door: "NO CAMERA PHONES! YOU HAVE A PHONE WITH A CAMERA ON IT, GET OUT OF HERE!" That's BS. I lost my place and then almost got thrown out because I continuously swore at the security guards. Upon talking with the manager, and having been there before for other bands, it was clearly "Symphony X's policy". No offense guys, but that sucks. Are you afraid someone is gonna put a 45-second video clip of The Odyssey on YouTube? Damn the fans for wanting video footage of the band...*hint* *hint*

But, besides the horrible cell phone incident, I had a blast.

The opening bands...well, they all were meh. The first band (Sacred Dawn) had pretty cool music and the singer clearly loved Halford/King Diamond/Iced Earth/etc. because his falsetto shriek was used often. They seemed like they didn't take themselves too seriously, which was cool.

Echoes of Eternity...hmm. Music was pretty bland, honestly. The vocals don't fit. The girl has no range (see above about the first band, because I'm pretty sure the singer from SD could hit higher notes than this girl). The musician's were just pretty boring, honestly. *dugga dugga* "aaaahhh ohhhhh ooohhhh aahhhhooooh" *dugga dugga* That's really all it was. The chick chanted the same four-note run during the intros and outros of every song. A large rack a good band does not make.

Sanctity put on a good show. I don't really enjoy their music, the Slayer/old Hetfield yell-singing grates on me, but they put on an energetic show. Except that the lead singer's mic kept going, making it hilarious when the backup guys shouted and you couldn't hear the main melody line...

ANYWAY, after the usual ridiculously long setup/soundcheck, out came SYMPHONY X! As said above, setlist was the same as it has been (Evolution is gone and I think will be fore good). The new stuff live is just absolutely awesome. Russell sounds fantastic and the boys seem to be pretty into playing everything. LePond looked like he was having a great time, especially on the bass intros to Domination/Sea of Lies!

Russell's mic was having issues for some of the set, but it got fixed about halfway through. I don't really know what more I can say that hasn't been said already: it was awesome. The Odyssey was flawless...except that everyone chanting "ODYSSEY!" before the encore seemed to bug Rus a bit, saying that we were taking the surprise and magic out of it (albeit in a joking manner).

Show kicked mucho asso, bottom line. My brother and a friend of ours hung around afterwards and headed back by the tour bus...leading into the second half of the night (which was almost as entertaining as the show!).

Romeo came out, talk very shortly to the 20 or so people gathered round and then put his things on the bus, this was around 11:30 PM or so. LePond came out about 5 minutes later and was chatty as hell! He stood outside and talked to people for so long, that he really stopped being a band member and just become another guy (I literally forgot he was still out there for a moment!).

P came out and talked to a few people, signed some stuff, and made a hasty jaunt for the tour bus after about twenty minutes. Romeo had come back out and signed stuff for awhile as well. I didn't really get a chance to talk to either of them for very long, but both were quite cordial (although I failed at getting P's signature on anything, damnit!).

Rullo came out and talked with a few people, but he seemed to have company and was a little distracted. He was quite nice, but didn't stick around long. By about midnight, the only person still out there was LePond. We saw Russell wandering around the food tables for about five minutes, looking for some meat (apparently they had ran out of propane, an incident that would later lead to Russell improving lyrics to a song called "It won't light, It won't light...PROPANE!!!").

Anywho, Russell came over, the gaggle of people talked to him for awhile and then left. And then...from about 12:20 until 1:45 AM, the 6-8 of us that were left shot the shit with Russell (Lepond was in a pretty engaged conversation with a woman for quite awhile)! He confirmed my suspicions that he is not, AT ALL, a prog-metal fan: he may listen to some Rush or Yes, and of course Kansas, but otherwise, he is all about the straight-up metal and rock. So, progsnobs, don't go looking to Russell for any type of shared loved of any band that, according to him: "Is over here playin' a 5 in their left hand and a 7 with their dick, because that shit doesn't impress me. Luckily, I have a band that can do that stuff, but that's not me."

He liked recording the solo album very raw because he hates lame effects on vocals and could care less if he sings just a little off, as long as the emotion is there. He also let on that most Symphony X songs are not about "dragons, demons, and wizards" but that he and Romeo generally talk about the more power-metal aspects of the albums, and Russell proceeds to write lyrics that relate to his real-life and then relate those lyrics into metaphorical, more metal-like approaches.

"Set the World on Fire" is actually about a bunch of friends of his that got laid off by a boss that they all figured was their friend at Medieval Times back in the day. He couldn't kill them literally like he wanted, because "I don't want to go to prison", so he "did it in the song".

"The Odyssey" mirrors his own life story in that he was raised in California but has lived in New York for 18 years. The whole Journey to Ithaca portion of the song is mainly Russell's writing, and California (whether he gets there soon or if he's buried there) is his Ithaca.

After this, and many other topics including video games, golf, smoking, food, travel, work, summer, suburbs VS. cities (he prefers burbs), people he's met in the business (Dio walked up to him, shook his hand and said: "you're awesome, you rock, brother!", Dave Mustaine was very cordial to him and always greeted him and chatted kindly with him, and Bruce Dickinson was an egomaniacal prick to him, saying his voice was shit and that he, Bruce, could have sang better), the cost of the tour bus, and tons of other things, Russell and LePond got on the bus and I went home.

All and all a friggin' awesome night. Thanks Symphony X for the show, and thanks for being such cool guys! (Even though we know you don't really read this...)

Follow that? Man. I need to stop this essay format.
So, progsnobs, don't go looking to Russell for any type of shared loved of any band that, according to him: "Is over here playin' a 5 in their left hand and a 7 with their dick, because that shit doesn't impress me. Luckily, I have a band that can do that stuff, but that's not me."


Yeah, that was hilarious!

I love when you asked him about Mortal Kombat...

You: "One question, Russ... Scorpion or Sub-Zero?"

Russ: "Oh, I'm a Scorpion kinda guy. Get over here!"