Sym X Empty Promises - what's behind them?

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New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Hi everyone. I'd like to speak to you about a very interesting and, certainly, strange occurrence that's been happening since day one that I got to discover Sym X for the first time.

Well, you see... it seems like Sym X tend to promise things or announce things that simply never happen. Not just that these things dont arrive at the time they announced it would arrive - that's a shit kind of thing we all get used to from them - but that these things dont arrive AT ALL. Not even after years of it being announced that it will!

take for example the new fan club announcement somewhat long ago. They said the club will be relanunched in september - we're in early March right now and that still didnt happen. They said the new fan club cd would be arriving "in time" for the holidays - that also didnt happen. Dont you guys seem to notice that they repeatedly keep doing this for some reason? They dont even stop for a moment, think "oh wait, before we announce shit that will never arrive in time again perhaps we should see if we can stay true to our promises or not...". they dont consider that, theyj ust announce whatever they want to announce and then the fans lose their trust in their words in announcements through the main site and social media.

Not trying to ignite any drama about anything but just hoping to hear the thoughts/opinions of others on this matter. Thanks!
I haven't noticed, no. You say they "repeatedly keep doing this," but listed zero examples aside from the fan club thing.
I can admit that they are not the best at embracing social media and the digital age.

That said, I'm really very tired of all the negativity about the band around here. Visiting this board sometimes feels like bringing a list of complaints to a funeral.
I haven't noticed, no. You say they "repeatedly keep doing this," but listed zero examples aside from the fan club thing.
I cant remember every single time they did this, but I know they did it more than once, and it is sth that a good portion of Sym X fans, especially ones from the forum, are well aware of. I'm sure someone else other than me who is aware of this could bring more examples if mine wasn't "good enough" for you.

I can admit that they are not the best at embracing social media and the digital age.

That said, I'm really very tired of all the negativity about the band around here. Visiting this board sometimes feels like bringing a list of complaints to a funeral.
Its not meant to be like that. Its just that, generally when someone announes something that is going to happen, and then it does not happen at the time it was announced for, then you'd expect some disappointments from the fans yes. I understand there may have been a good reason, but why announce things in the first place if you can't stay true to what you promised?

I dont mean to bring negativity - I mean to bring it up for discussion with the rest of the forum lads. I am looking for a honest discussion about the matter and hearing other people's opinions before I jump to a conclusion with mine, too - that does not make it a "list of complaints to a funeral".
Its not meant to be like that. Its just that, generally when someone announes something that is going to happen, and then it does not happen at the time it was announced for, then you'd expect some disappointments from the fans yes. I understand there may have been a good reason, but why announce things in the first place if you can't stay true to what you promised?

I dont mean to bring negativity - I mean to bring it up for discussion with the rest of the forum lads. I am looking for a honest discussion about the matter and hearing other people's opinions before I jump to a conclusion with mine, too - that does not make it a "list of complaints to a funeral".

I understand the fan club thing and I understand it's disappointing. I agree. Sadly, I think they fall victim to having very poor web presence. They always have and unfortunately they probably always will.

The negativity comment is not completely directed at you, just a general feeling I have towards all of the pessimistic threads on this board.
I cant remember every single time they did this, but I know they did it more than once, and it is sth that a good portion of Sym X fans, especially ones from the forum, are well aware of. I'm sure someone else other than me who is aware of this could bring more examples if mine wasn't "good enough" for you.

Oh, come on. If you consider this to be an occurrence that's been happening since you discovered the band, there has to be more that comes to mind than just the fan club announcement from a few months ago. Surely you must have been thinking of more than one example when you decided to make this thread. I'm just trying to find out what those are. I can assure you they'll be perfectly "good enough" coming from you.
Oh, come on. If you consider this to be an occurrence that's been happening since you discovered the band, there has to be more that comes to mind than just the fan club announcement from a few months ago. Surely you must have been thinking of more than one example when you decided to make this thread. I'm just trying to find out what those are. I can assure you they'll be perfectly "good enough" coming from you.
I dont think I owe anyone any examples, but I know the fan club one isnt the only one, and just because I am unable to recall the other ones(for whatever reason) doesnt mean they dont exist. In a general sense, there are Sym X fans who know very well what I'm talking about and referring to, and for them specifically, they dont need any examples to realize it. Maybe you do because you are a new fan, though. I'm not implying to say that the band is doing sth wrong, but I'd say I'm just another average Sym X fan who's concerned over the empty announcements that were made by the band, or by whoever represents them etc. Its okay to have unexpected delays for an arrival of sth, but there shouldn't be any point in announcing anything until it is confirmed for sure what and when it is arriving/going to happen. You know how its like, when for example, a girl tells you she loves you but doesnt show any love at all, is rude when you talk to her etc. Yeah, an irrelevant example I nkow, but one that is similar in nature to Sym X false announcements. They sound real and genuine, but in the end they were just words, not sth that is actually happening or going to happen.
It's pretty dreary to be a fan.

So I'm not really a fan. I don't owe this band anything, and they owe me nothing too. I just listen to other bands instead, no love lost.
I dont think I owe anyone any examples, but I know the fan club one isnt the only one, and just because I am unable to recall the other ones(for whatever reason) doesnt mean they dont exist.

Yes. Yes, it does mean they don't exist. Do you know how ridiculous you're sounding? Wow. I don't even want to get into the rest of this sentence, much less the rest of what you wrote. Just this:

there shouldn't be any point in announcing anything until it is confirmed for sure what and when it is arriving/going to happen.

And now I'm convinced that you must be confusing this band with someone else. That statment is pretty much what Romeo/Symphony X has always lived by and the reason why they announce virtually nothing at all.
Yes. Yes, it does mean they don't exist. Do you know how ridiculous you're sounding? Wow. I don't even want to get into the rest of this sentence, much less the rest of what you wrote. Just this:

And now I'm convinced that you must be confusing this band with someone else. That statment is pretty much what Romeo/Symphony X has always lived by and the reason why they announce virtually nothing at all.
I dont think I sound ridiculous, just stating what I have to state. My memory isnt very good with past announcements which is why I am unable to remember all of them. They exist :)

You dont need to be "convinced" anything homie - if you dont want to believe me, or want to think I am ridiculous, confused with other band etc. - I wont stop you. But maybe if you were to think a little bit, its things you can realize about Sym X by yourself - even just by going back a littile bit and reading past announcements. Many things havent arrived at the time they were announced for by the band, or by Jax. And whatever has caused this does not matter, because it ends up at the same results.
Its not so much the things they announce and then are delayed or not happening at all, rather than the fact that usually there is no explanation WHY. But I wont lose my sleep coz of that heh.
Its not so much the things they announce and then are delayed or not happening at all, rather than the fact that usually there is no explanation WHY. But I wont lose my sleep coz of that heh.
Good point. Whenever they announced something that didnt happen they never stated why its not coming/being delayed. I mean, maybe they just dont want to bother to explain why every time they do this, but they leave fans even more confused than we already are. But I dont think this is intentional, maybe they just dont like to update the fans much about what's going on unless there's something that is "urgent" or "important" enough for them to announce.

I'm not crazy over it, but, Ive seen it happening multiple times so it gets kind of tiring, like they're expecting the fans to "figure things out" by our own instead of updating us what's up.
It's amazing that we can argue all day about "empty promises" and "lack of announcements", yet I post a thread about an ACTUAL announcement that might actually mean something in terms of the band's future plans (Symphony X's NYC gig in October) and not a soul replies. What a weird fandom.
It's amazing that we can argue all day about "empty promises" and "lack of announcements", yet I post a thread about an ACTUAL announcement that might actually mean something in terms of the band's future plans (Symphony X's NYC gig in October) and not a soul replies. What a weird fandom.
I had that happen to me a few times on forum, where a thread I started was just left there with zero replies . . . sometimes its either people have missed it or simply had nothing to reply about it. Dont take it personal man.
I'm not really taking it personally as much as I am pointing out the general viewpoint of this forum: we'd rather bitch about what we're not getting than discuss what we have.
Good point. Anyways, I replied there. I myself atleast have simply missed that thread to be honest. I agree that discussion of actual things is better than imaginary ones . . .

Maybe the general bitching about what we're NOT getting is simply caused by the frustration that fans may have over the band's failed attempts to update/announce new things . . . I myself have frequently found myself asking "why?" about many things with this band. It sure isn't easy being a sym X fan, its really hard but you get used to it.
Maybe we can add something new to the list here but I'm hopeful this is actually true. Was looking on the band's twitter account and here's a tweet from Feb 21st.

"There should be cd news any time now; in the meantime, 'Iconoclast' is on sale on iTunes for just $5.99 until..."

Looks like it's still on sale for $5.99 on itunes for anyone that cares too haha! Here's to hoping that the news is a release date!
I don't get a lot of this sentiment, doesn't make sense to me.

Didn't post in the gig thread cause I have no desire to fork over to go see them.

Not really cut up about the lack of news or music either - I just don't care. I listen to other stuff. I only come here for the occasional topic about what other bands are up to.
It is good to learn such actual news, so please do share and so I will if I happen to come across one worth mentioning; yet I don't have anything to say about this one either.
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