Sym X in Detroit


May 2, 2011
Did anyone see the show at Blondies on 4/30. Symphony X was brilliant. This was my first time seeing them. However, it was hard for me to see what gear MJR uses. I understand he plays his Caparison signature; what does he use re: amp heads, cabs and fx; does anyone know?
Check this out if you haven't already:

But that's old. It's from around 2003. The band's website is being revamped so there will probably be more up-to-date gear info soon.

Until then, here's what I know:


As far as amplification goes, he's definitely into Engl these days. He's using it live (along with his Marshall JCM 2000) and, based on the two new studio recorded songs that I've heard so far, I'm guessing it's what he's been using in the studio too the great majority of the time. The guitar tone sounds pretty Engly to me on those new tunes.

He does own some other heads like the Line6 Vetta head, a MesaBoogie dual-rectifier and a Madison. He used the Vetta head a lot on the road especially during the Paradise Lost tour, due to its convenience and quickness to set up etc, he said. But now he's touring with the Engl and the Marshall.

Some of the exact models are mentioned in wikipedia:

In terms of amplification in the studio, he uses an Engl Fireball as well as a recently acquired Engl SE E670 that is used strictly for recording purposes. Live, Romeo makes use of both the Engl Fireball and Powerball models. Recent photographs that have been made available at Symphony X Official Website show him also using other amplifiers from brands such as Marshall and Madison. He has also been known to use a Mesa Triaxis and Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier for recording.

Here's a couple of pics of his live setup taken (not by me) from the show I went to over a month ago.



Looks like a Powerball to me. :)


He owns 4x12 Marshalls, Mesaboogies, and Engls. But he likes to use the Marshalls the most, be it live or in the studio, and with almost every head (including the Vetta).


"In terms of effects, Romeo pairs his various amplifiers with a TC Electronics G System and a Boss NS2 Noisegate." -Wikipedia

Also, from a 2007 interview:

When working with tube amps in the studio, do you boost them at all with a Tubescreamer or anything like that?

MR: Yeah, the Ibanez Tubescreamer.

One of the original ones?

MR: I don’t have the old, old original one. I have the TS-9.

Other than that he doesn't seem too crazy about pedals. (I like that)

EDIT: I just found some up-to-date info here confirming all of this: