Need Help on some Gear issues. HELP!

RobbM said:
ever thought about going all rack with a 4x12? theres plenty of tube goo from most of the all tube mesa power amps, throw in a nice multi-effects tube preamp and combine it with a good 4x12 and you'll be all set...
Good Idea man!!!!:Spin: Oh wait, Its out of my budget. Im starting to think that the Mesa Mark IV is too (its $5000 for the head here in australia) So the Dual Rectifire and Line 6 HD147 is more in my budget. What do you guys think of the Dual Rectifire? SOme say its too britle, and how is the semi distortion tone for a bit of a softer tone like?
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Good Idea man!!!!:Spin: Oh wait, Its out of my budget. Im starting to think that the Mesa Mark IV is too (its $5000 for the head here in australia) So the Dual Rectifire and Line 6 HD147 is more in my budget. What do you guys think of the Dual Rectifire? SOme say its too britle, and how is the semi distortion tone for a bit of a softer tone like?

not really, a good mesa pwer amp on ebay is like 450-500 then you can get a cheep cab from musicians friend or ebay for around 200, and a pre amp for about $1000 which isnt that bad, since most of the amps your looking at cost around the same if not more..
I just want to correct some of you, dudes - I don't think EVOs need tons and tons of gain to sound good. Listen to Vai's "Fire Garden Suite" for EVO6 and Adagio's "Chosen" for EVO7. Vai's using plenty of gain, but still nowhere near Gary Moore's live sound. Forte is not using alot of gain for rhythm, but it sounds DAMN GOOD.

Just my $0.02, though.:)
Zax666 said:
I just want to correct some of you, dudes - I don't think EVOs need tons and tons of gain to sound good. Listen to Vai's "Fire Garden Suite" for EVO6 and Adagio's "Chosen" for EVO7. Vai's using plenty of gain, but still nowhere near Gary Moore's live sound. Forte is not using alot of gain for rhythm, but it sounds DAMN GOOD.

Just my $0.02, though.:)

no one said that they need lots of gain...