
As a Stratovarius fan and Andre Matos fanatic, I have to say that I am looking forward to this immensely.

Plus, very nice interview with Tolkki. Nice to hear stuff coming directly from him, and especially about those accusations that came out a few months ago.

I still wanna see Andre Matos at ProgPower though.
Since Timo is involved, I still have to keep a TINY question mark next to anything enthusiastic I may say about this, but with Andre and crew on board I feel a whole lot more positive about this than anything Timo has done in ten years.

He sounds a lot..... healthier.... in the interview than he has in the recent past. Here's hoping he's getting his mind in order, and ready to come back out full force.
Tolkki gave a single five-part reason:

Timo Tolkki, Andre Matos, Jari Kainulainen, Mikko Harkin and Uli Kusch, collectively known as SYMFONIA.

Wow. If you were going to put together a dream team of metal's free agents, it would be hard to top that lineup. And four of those five are good writers. I hope this meshes well, it would be something special.
Tolkki gave a single five-part reason:

Timo Tolkki, Andre Matos, Jari Kainulainen, Mikko Harkin and Uli Kusch, collectively known as SYMFONIA.

Wow. If you were going to put together a dream team of metal's free agents, it would be hard to top that lineup. And four of those five are good writers. I hope this meshes well, it would be something special.
Amen to all that!
This band could be amazing.....but I think with the ego's involved and distance of members....I see this band doing one disc and a few shows and then it being over. How many super groups have formed and broke up in the power metal scene. Anything with Matos is great in my book.
This band could be amazing.....but I think with the ego's involved and distance of members....I see this band doing one disc and a few shows and then it being over. How many super groups have formed and broke up in the power metal scene. Anything with Matos is great in my book.

My thoughts exactly.
This band could be amazing.....but I think with the ego's involved and distance of members....I see this band doing one disc and a few shows and then it being over. How many super groups have formed and broke up in the power metal scene. Anything with Matos is great in my book.

According to the interview, the guys are all living relatively close to each other. As to the egos involved, well that's definitely a concern.
According to the interview, the guys are all living relatively close to each other.

Yeah, exactly - why would people start to point out the distance as an issue? We're talking about extremely experienced musicians - they don't need to stand in a rehearsal room together 3 times a week. Besides, Norway/Sweden/Finland is pretty damn close, and (of course depending on where in those three countries they live) it should be fairly easy meeting up whenever necessary. In this day and age musicians of this caliber would only need to meet up right before touring.

How long do you wish to wager that Tolkki will go off and call the world liars and thieves again? If this band does last until PP XIII, Glenn will get to see a new version of Long Night at Wrong Beach on his festival stage. :lol::lol::lol:

Get out the :popcorn: this is gonna be fun.:p Feel bad for Andre, though.