Symphonic Black Metal


Jun 10, 2001
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What are the best bands in this style ?

I was more into death than black for the last year and i really don't know for which band i should look for.
as said before, dimmu borgit, covenant (only nexus polaris)
but as well old man's child, daemonarch
And you guys call yourselves metal fans....One none of you added...
Not only best symphonic Black metal band, but best black metal band, and one of the 3 best bands ever!!!!

I am so ashamed...;)
Well, I wouldn't call In the Nightside Eclipse symphonic or the albums after that black metal.

It's been too long since I've listened to this album. *falls into a trance like coma*
Hey Demonspell I realy wouldn't call Hollenthon Black metal at all. More like melodic Death metal, I am really not sure, but definately not Black Metal.
Originally posted by Armageddon's Child
Says pretty much anyone who is seriously into black metal.

I suppose those new to the scene would have this view. The younger black metal fans seem to have a rose-tinted opinion of what is and isn't black metal. Bands that were originally laughed at for being untalented and crude are now revered as "innovators" (see Absurd, Graveland, Necrophagia, (early)Beherit, Von, Piledriver, Apator, etc, etc) by todays newbies.

Black metal was never about bad recordings and rudimentory playing skills, but back in the early 90's that's all there was. Admitidly, Darkthrone took a pre-emptive step backwards after their debut, but for the most part the overall sound developed with the abilities of the musicians involved in the scene.

Emperor, Gehenna, Summoning, Thy Serpent (I could go on..) and even Bathory have symphonic elements to their sound. To say those bands and bands like them aren't black metal is not only wrong, but very fashionable too.

Lee B
Originally posted by MightyA
Oh, you mean the TROO black metal listeners.:lol:

Dammit! I was going to say that :mad: :lol:

edit: i forgot.. Tyrant, Sirius, Limbonic Art, Tidfall, Misteltein, Golden Dawn, Nokturnal Mortum(?)....
Originally posted by Lee_B

I suppose those new to the scene would have this view. The younger black metal fans seem to have a rose-tinted opinion of what is and isn't black metal. Bands that were originally laughed at for being untalented and crude are now revered as "innovators" (see Absurd, Graveland, Necrophagia, (early)Beherit, Von, Piledriver, Apator, etc, etc) by todays newbies.

Black metal was never about bad recordings and rudimentory playing skills, but back in the early 90's that's all there was. Admitidly, Darkthrone took a pre-emptive step backwards after their debut, but for the most part the overall sound developed with the abilities of the musicians involved in the scene.

Emperor, Gehenna, Summoning, Thy Serpent (I could go on..) and even Bathory have symphonic elements to their sound. To say those bands and bands like them aren't black metal is not only wrong, but very fashionable too.

Lee B

Black metal has always been about a certain aesthetic, and that aesthetic precludes the "pretty" sounds of orchestration. From the earliest days of black metal, black metal has been the sound of nihilistic minimalism; Bathory, Hellhammer, Sodom, and of course, Venom were all extremely primative and raw. Black metal is music one likes, but doesn't ENJOY. It must be ugly, it must be raw, it must transmit the nihilism that is the core of the music's ethic through sheer sonic misery. If it uplifts, inspires or offers the tiniest shred of light, it isn't BLACK metal. Most of the so called "symphonic black metal" is really what we call "dark metal," though some of it is blatant power metal with extreme vocals.

In any event, whether or not it is black metal has no effect on the only salient question one can ask about music. Namely, "Is it good?"