Symphonic Metal - how is my mix? any tips appreciated...

Nov 6, 2002
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Just back from the studio after recording the vocals for my band, now I'm trying to get them to sit into my mix.

Here are two short clips, I can post more next week:

I recorded the vocals with Karl Groom from Threshold, and his advice was to turn up the guitars (which I've done) and increase the volume of the rides (todo).

P.S. Using RevMkIII and Slate samples.
this really reminds me of older symphony x style production, i'm very impressed. over all, it's very polished sounding and dry which seems to fit this style very well. however, i think the guitars should have a little bit more gain and low end, they are kind of on the thin side. the drums need some more room-tone/reverb, especially the snare, you have to mix some of that Z5 in there to get a great snare sound, imo. i'd also bring up the overheads quite a bit. lastly, vocals could use a small boost in the 16khz and up region. hope that helps!
Hey Paladin, yes, that does really help - thanks :)

I will make the modifications you've suggested and post more clips during the week. Yes, I'm happy with a dry sound but I don't want it to dry, and I always thought the guitars needed some low end alright. I'm not exactly sure where to boost but I will experiment and see what can be done without making it muddy (I'm happy with the overall tone).

SymphonyX rule!!
Is this a vocalist that mixed this lol!

I always find when a vocalist mixes a tune... it's way vocal front.


compress them vocals too. they sound way too dynamic man.

Good luck!
hey man,

Actually yeah, it's been mixed by the vocalist - me! I recorded all instruments/drums too but I gave vocals preference in the end I guess. My producer originally had the vocals wayyyy lower, and he got me to boost the guitar. But then I went and boosted the vocals higher again haha...

By the way Paladin, what does "bring the overheads up" mean?

Ok I will also try some vocal compression and see what happens, thanks. The boost I gave the vocals above 16k helped actually so far - I will post later in the week.

By the way, thanks for all the advice guys, keep it coming cos my producer says he won't have time to mix it! He will only master it, and I'm new to all this stuff.