Symphony-Like Music? Dimmu Borgir, Orphaned Land...


a canadian
Oct 31, 2007
Canada, Ontario
I was wondering if anyone knew of any other bands, that tie in a classical and or, symphony sense in their music. Dimmu Borgir does this in rare occasions, and Orphaned Land has a variety of stuff that has twist of European-Classical Doom Metal. Down to the point, does anyone know of any bands that consist of this classical, symphony, doomish metal? take no offense if i didn't describe it right. :loco:

a couple of stuff i already listen to..
Orphaned Land
- that's as close as i am to doom, melodeath metal.. if you know of any significant others let me know. :worship:
If you're liking the Doom Metal.. Check out Asunder. Very long songs, but i really enjoy their music. They're not Symphonic in the misinterpreted way of using orchestras.. But It's fair to say they use movements, just like symphonies.

But a brilliant band who do use a chamber orchestra are the French Avant-garde/prog black metal band, Vehementer Nos. Their eponymous record is one of the best debuts i've ever heard. To be honest, i recommend it to every single member of this forum!
early emperor

All Emperor in fact.. My personal favourite is Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk, but many people think In The Nightside Eclipse is their best effort.. You won't be making a mistake with either album to be fair.. Some Emperor fans think their last 2 albums blew.. I'm not one of them, so yeh.. I'd recommend them too.

And Ihsahn's solo album, The Advesary, too.
Summoning is the most obvious answer here (aside from uber-gay crap like later Therion).
All Emperor in fact.. My personal favourite is Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk, but many people think In The Nightside Eclipse is their best effort.. You won't be making a mistake with either album to be fair.. Some Emperor fans think their last 2 albums blew.. I'm not one of them, so yeh.. I'd recommend them too.

And Ihsahn's solo album, The Advesary, too.

All Emperor is gold, except for Equilibrium maybe... but Prometheus was such an incredibly amazing album from start to finish, one of the most poweful metal albums ever made imo.
I'm surprised! Despite me being so vague, you guys have been amazing help. i find it cool how accurate you guys were able to identify a bunch bands that fit into what i was looking for.

Check out this thread. Many good suggestions there.

I'm sorry, i should have looked for a earlier post that related this kind of thing.
That post was also a lot of help, thanks soundave.

Yeah, Prometheus is awesome.

I agree. :kickass:

Evoken, Yob.
I'm sure in a few i'll recall a few more..

Awesome. keep them coming, this is great stuff. :]
Again, thanks for the help.
All Emperor is gold, except for Equilibrium maybe... but Prometheus was such an incredibly amazing album from start to finish, one of the most poweful metal albums ever made imo.

Nah i think IX Equilibrium was also an amazing album.. I actually prefer it to Prometheus.. But i do agree, Prometheus is a great album.

But again, i really do suggest you check out Vehementer Nos. I'd just try and buy/download their record if i were you.. I find it hard to believe you'd be disappointed..