Symphony X – The Odyssey (InsideOut)


Oct 15, 2002
Far Beyond The Galaxy
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Symphony X - The Odyssey
2002 - Inside Out

By Gaz


‘The Odyssey’ is Symphony X's 5th studio album and the follow up to last years double concert set Live On the Edge Of Forever. I’ve been a fan of theirs since their watershed 3rd release, The Divine Wings Of Tragedy, which many consider to be one of the best albums of its genre. The following 2 discs failed to ignite the spark that Divine Wings... had generated and I began to lose interest in the band.

Are Symphony X really a progressive band or are they content to release the same stuff over and over ? The Odyssey doesn’t give us any clear answers, but gives hints that they are ready to do something a little different.

The most immediate thing is Michael Romeo’s guitar, which is pretty upfront in the mix, for most the keyboards and left in the background. Russ Allen’s voice is as powerful as ever and angry on songs like ‘King Of Terrors’. Throughout the album, Allen uses his amazing voice to great effect in many different ways, from opener ‘Inferno (Unleash The Fire), where he uses an almost deep growl.

There is less neo-classical sounds on The Odyssey, whether it’s deliberate or not, Romeo’s solo’s are less speed and more on the melodic side than ever. The album’s best moment is saved to last, the epic title track, 24 minutes of glorious progressive metal, perhaps the best thing the band has ever done, throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.

Perhaps not the best Symphony X album, certainly not the worst, but perhaps lacking in memorable songs and the band’s once trademark harmony vocals all but gone. One of those albums and bands that you get the feeling that they are capable of doing much better.

Lacking In memorable moments ? I think you need to listen to this album again son because this is easily their best album period!! The production is the best of all their albums, the riffs are modern, heavy and more memorable then ever. Don't listen to this fool , spin the cd yourself.