Symphony X and the Planets...?

Metal Immortal

Guardian of the Blind
Feb 11, 2004
I just need somebody elses opinoin about the Divine Wings of Tragedy, and why it sounds to much like the planets. Why didn't Holst get put in the credits or anything?
This was discussed a long time ago, I'd have to go dig around to find it, but basically the band had no idea that people weren't aware of who these composers were, they thought folks knew. Now that they know differently, they do intend to make note in their liners regarding who they use music from. It was never a matter of trying to take credit that wasn't due them; just an oversight, basically.
I talked about this a while ago in musician's corner, actually. I was all excited because my school's band was doing an exerpt from "Mars", and I knew it as the intro to Divine Wings. Man, it's quite a feeling when you're in the low brass section, doing that foreboding harmony.
The beginning of Divine Wings Of Tragedy is an excerpt from Holst's 'Mars, bringer of War' a classical piece. I knew it from a space themes lp I had by the 'Geoff Love Orchestra' :oops: Other themes on there were Star Wars (off course), 1999, Dr. Who etc, etc.
ElPredicador said:
shardik, actually it's mozart's requiem
Nope, he's right. "Prelude" is Verdi.

Lacrymosa (Second half of "Death of Balance") is from Mozart's "Reqiuem Mass in C minor." That's probly what you were thinking of.

Everyone seems to forget Romeo's COOLEST use of classical stuff, which is Bach's Harpsichord concerto no. 1 in D minor in "A Fool's Paradise." That rocks my friggin' world.

Does anyone know what the beginning of DWOT is? Or is that a Romeo original?
OfSinsAndShred said:
Nope, he's right. "Prelude" is Verdi.

Lacrymosa (Second half of "Death of Balance") is from Mozart's "Reqiuem Mass in C minor." That's probly what you were thinking of.

Everyone seems to forget Romeo's COOLEST use of classical stuff, which is Bach's Harpsichord concerto no. 1 in D minor in "A Fool's Paradise." That rocks my friggin' world.

Does anyone know what the beginning of DWOT is? Or is that a Romeo original?
1- Is Requien in D minor

2- A fools paradise was idea of Pinella

3- The Beginning of DWOT is from Bachs Mass in B minor
If you ever see these composers not getting credit it's because the copyrights on these pieces have expired and they have fallen into the public domain. Consequently, no one owns the rights and anyone can use them in their work as they see fit. Depending on where the publishing rights are, royalties may have to be paid to the publishers for the use on occasion, but I'm pretty sure that after a time on those earlier pieces the rights revert back to the writer at some point and then if he does not specify in a will who gets the copyright they simply expire and the song becomes essentially up for grabs. Thus, if you wanted to use the original recordings you would have to pay the company that recorded them, but an original cover and you don't have to pay squat, nor do you have to even recoginize the artist if you don't wish to because there is no longer any legal claim to the material.
The Second part of the Intro of The Damnation game (0:27) is originally "Solfeggettio" from Carl Philip Emanuel Bach, but Romeo did some changes in the end of this part.
yes the choir in the beginning of DWoT is from Bach's mass in B minor, BUT I think you do have to give Romeo and Pinella a lot of credit for arranging it the way they did, they did take some liberties with it.
I don't think it's write for them to make songs with previous work. It may sound cool as all hell but if they didn't write it themselves, they should just give credit to the one who wrote it first. I don't care about copywrite laws.
So... they figured that everyone would know the classical bits in their songs...well then I must be really lame since the only classical thing I recognized out of anything they ever used was Lacrymosa. But it doesn't bother me that they don't give credit, since I wouldn't know the difference anyway :loco: Don't think I don't like classical music; its bands like Symphony X that make me appreciate it so much more. Personally I think Romeo should just compose all his own stuff since he's so good at it.