Knight_ said:Some friends of mine did a cover of The Eyes of Medusa some time ago in a concert they played
Good! Where are they from?

Knight_ said:Some friends of mine did a cover of The Eyes of Medusa some time ago in a concert they played
Phase said:Here is one of the Relic. Who can compare to Romeo and Allen---no one. But no tributes compare to actual band
†Russel Allen†® said:Centuries after my last post on this thread:
Check it out...
There are some other bands' I "covered" too...
Oh, by the way, there you'll find my version of OSAS...
P.S.: Yes, I'm both playing guitar and singing on every song...
Phase said:Here is one of the Relic. Who can compare to Romeo and Allen---no one. But no tributes compare to actual band
Wow. I think I like this almost as much as the real thing.pollution said:Here's a great cover of A Winter's Dream part 1 by Anton Näslund/David Björk, very impressive singing by a 17 year old guy.
A YouSendIt link to it so grab it fast: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=EF5409A913125F95