Symphony X don't tour much

The more time they spend touring, the less time they spend writing, practicing, mixing, recording, etc. I love to see SX live, done it several times, but that lasts only an hour or so. I have to wait 3-4 years to get an album because of the touring. Concert=one hour. Album=forever. And these guys have families, homes, pets, just like we do. Maybe their new label is pushing them to tour more. They are super famous in Europe, so they probably make big bucks over there. I'd rather have a new album than another shot at a concert myself. I've wasted money on crappy albums to fill in the gaps. (Viking metal? WTH was I thinking? Oh, well, I added it to my skeet shooting collection...............)
The more time they spend touring, the less time they spend writing, practicing, mixing, recording, etc.

Let's face it, this thread could have just as easily be called SX don't record much. Four to five years between albums is not a crisp pace and I don't think it's because of touring obligations because, as we've been discussing, they don't do that much either.
No they are not, definition no. 2 in your link is the correct one. To qualify as a homonym, something has to be both a homophone and a homograph. Trust me, I done did the research.

See, this is what happens when a band is so damn inactive. Got us talking about the precise definitions of linguistic terms, the lazy devils. :lol:

Thanks. Good catch. It has to be a homophone and homograph.

You're right, too much downtime. At least baseball is almost here.