Symphony X - Paradise Lost

I'm kinda disappointed in how they said this cd would be a lot darker. There are a few dark orchestral moments, but just not enough.
Russell Allens vocals have taken a real dive bomb on the last two albums. Music is pretty great, I just dont like the direction he's taking his vocal style.
Russell Allens vocals have taken a real dive bomb on the last two albums. Music is pretty great, I just dont like the direction he's taking his vocal style.
I'll agree they've gotten more aggressive, but a dive? no way. i haven't given this album a proper listen, but odyssey had a marvelous performance.
i've only listened to a couple songs off this album so far but what i hear so far i like veryyyy much. i bet it'll only get better as i listen more :kickass: btw did the beginning of the song Domination remind anyone else of sea of lies? it definately did for me.
Alright Im really starting to love this now, I guess it just took half a dozen or so listens to really click. Russell's vocals arent really bothering me anymore. The title track, Eve of Seduction and Seven are my favourites I'd say.