Sweet, more stuff while i was at work. Awwweeesssoommmee \m/
To Zach: I know I had physically written that your review was biased but it was just kind of a misuse of wording. The rest of the post I made should have cleared up what I was really trying to say, sometimes it is hard to describe some things in words. At the end of the day it boiled down to the fact that SoT dared you to write a "better" review and you assumed yours was better because you had criticized a few points of the album. Like I have said a few times you have every right to like/dislike certain things about it. There is no way one review can be better than another overall....it is all up to the tastes of the reader whether one review is better than the other. SoT's review is a better review to me because they share the same tastes in music as I do, not because it is a service to SyX fans. Yes, it would have been a more entertaining review had they been more descriptive about the sound of the album and whatnot, but that has nothing to do with it being a good review for me or not. Your review is a better review for the readers on GD being that they have the same musical tastes as you. I find that to be a great thing because you can point out to that audience that SyX has big balls sometimes even though there are some songs they may not enjoy so much (ie. Sacrifice).
You're right, you were clear. My bad. I still disagree though. I can't argue personal opinion, but i really feel that my review is more informative than theirs. The first one really says nothing about the album, whereas the second one tries to cram so many metaphors and shit in that it's almost unreadable. And i don't want anyone saying shit about my reading comprehension because that sure as fuck is not it. It's just a snob review for a snob website.
this is why i say remove the shits n giggles comments.
i fyou give a clear explanation of why something doesn't turn you on, then the reader can say, well i hate music that sounds like that too, or even, well i actually like that sort of approach in spite of what the reviewer said.
Its not about what the reviewer thinks about the album, its about what drove him to that conclusion. If a reviewer describes the album well, then I can decide if its worth the gamble of puting $15 down on it.
Of course it is always a risk if you haven't already heard the album... but sometimes you don't have the chance to before you buy. If my local stores, you can't just hear any album at any time.
and by every album, I meant every album that i find myself interested in hearing.
I totally understand what you're saying. that's why i made a "boring" version of my review for you. i took out all opinion and bullshit narrative and left you with me describing the album. Note that i only deleted from my review. i didn't change any wording or add anything. This is what my review says:
me said:
Though "Paradise lost" is officially not a concept album according to the band, it is a concept album based on the works of Milton.
"Oculus ex inferni" kicks off the album in the standard, epic, orchestral Symphony X fashion. It is a bit of a misleading intro, as it sets the rest of the disc up with the expectations of sounding like "The odyssey" (the song, not the album) with its very bombastic score. By comparison, the rest of the album is incredibly raw and heavy. "Seven" will please fans of the older material, as it shows a bit of a return to the more neoclassical era while "Eve of seduction" has a very catchy, sing along chorus.
Perhaps the thing that grabbed me most is Russell's much more aggressive approach to the vocals. Russ captures the rage of the subject matter so perfectly. He even adds a bit of balls into the ballad "Sacrifice". By the way, check out the ending for some kick ass classical guitar licks. It starts at about 4:17
"Domination" has the same sort of intro and build up to the verse as "Sea of lies", "Serpent's kiss" has the same sort of groove as "Wicked", "Paradise lost" has that "Communion and the oracle" feel to it. And I forgot to mention, the intro to "Eve of seduction" sounds like a Stratovarius song.
Fans of the band will love this new disc. It will definitely prove to be one of the strongest albums of the year Oh, and this album has some of the coolest cover art ever. Check out the full piece of art. I'm sure it's on the Insideout site or something.
I don't see a problem with the review based on your criteria. I can respect that you're not into my style of writing and i'm not trying to change your mind on that, but i think it's silly to say that my review has nothing other than entertainment value.
i think Zack said something about one song sounding like stratovarious. that particualr comment does mean something to me, but when he says "just skip past the first four minutes of this song cuz it otherwise sucks." well that doesn't mean anything to me... who the hell would actually do that just cuz he said so?
No one would do that. It'd be dumb. 'twer only a joke.
I would like to say that if Zachs review is meant mainly for entertainment, then its not bad. But if he was trying to make a living off of offering serious information to help people make informed decisions on which albums to invest in, then he failed to do anything for me.
Oh, i commented on this bit already. scroll up.
Are you confused since you just described yourself perfectly?
Heh, this made me laugh. Ok, i'll bite. Assume that what you say is true...
Goal: Setting out to prove that Liquid Tension = Childish and immature.
What we know:
Zach = "Childish and Immature"
Liquid Tension = "a pretentious fuck who sits on his high horse and looks down his nose at everyone."
Zach = "a pretentious fuck who sits on his high horse and looks down his nose at everyone."
"a pretentious fuck who sits on his high horse and looks down his nose at everyone." = Zach = "childish and immature"
Liquid Tension = "a pretentious fuck who sits on his high horse and looks down his nose at everyone."
Therefore, Liquid Tension = "childish and immature"
If I wanted it to reference LTE then that's what I would've used....
I only get the negative responses and confusing about my username out here which is interesting since everyone loves it at the other forum I visit....
Don't get butthurt because I made a comment about your username. That's childish and immature