Alright, more good stuff today while i was at work! WOO HOO!!! I love this because it's my opinion and it's spawned 3 pages of debate, arguments, and drama. I LOVE IT! Haha, and I find it great that you all care so much about my opinion.

This is EXACTLY why I'm so qualified to write the review
Seriously though, i'm fucken grinning like a retard on speed over here. This is fantastic guys, i love to see the debate and discussion here. And i know there's a lot of criticism for me being immature. Like this post:
Cool.... More immaturity...
How was my response childish and immature?
Why do you think that the swearing or your use of this wording had anything to do with my opinion of your review?
BTW... my username is from a Bruce Lee quote and has nothing to do with the band LTE....
You're welcome and stop with all the assumptions....
Yeah, i need to stop with the assumptions. Fuck me for thinking that LIQUID TENSION had to do with LIQUID TENSION EXPERIMENT and not knowing it was some random-ass bruce lee quote. Holy shit, what am i thinking?
And about the immaturity thing, i'll be honest with you... i'd rather act the way I do and be called "immature" than be a pretentious fuck who sits on his high horse and looks down his nose at everyone. Oh well, to-may-to / to-mah-to.
*insert long-ass post here*
Dude, i'm not at all joking and this is not sarcasm when i say this: great fucken post and kudos to you bro. However, i do have a few complaints about some of the comments. First of all, reviewing a disc is not about pleasing the fans of the band. it's about knowing the audience that reads your webzine and letting them know what they can expect from the album. Actually, i don't really feel like saying much else. Thanks for the input, i respectfully disagree, but have nothing bad to say about you.
I don't give a shit about Sea of Tranquillity, so the mocking in the review is lost to me... but everything else is both hilarious and spot-on for the album from what songs I've heard... so I'm probably more likely to buy it now.
Good fucking job.
Thanks again for reading bro
Heh, you asked me to write it man. What'd you expect?
I think he is well placed to make a review, he has been on these forums long enough, and listened to this band more than enough to know what sympony x is and isn't! Granted the fact he doesn't like progressive metal might take away a few points, but zach will be the first to tell you its HIS REVIEW, for him and who ever wants to read what he thinks. And the fact he does'nt like prog metal I don't find makes him biased, it justs make it that much harder for symphony x to get a good review, and they did get an awesome review...It was 100% better and more detailed than sea of tranquility... Sea's review was ass kissing and gravelling, not a review!
So once again kudos doomzgay sack lol, honestly I still find the person who said this to be rather ugh...I mean there methods are questionable lol!
You made a few good points here. good stuff man.
If you would stop sucking his penis for just a minute and look at my post again you would see that I was not saying that his review is biased.
but it was. All reviews are. I have openly admitted many times that my reviews are bias. But within all of my opinion, it is my job to inform the listener of what they will get when purchasing the cd. To me, a well written review can completely thrash a band to shreds, say "holy fuck this sucks more than Celine Dion" and someone can read it and still think it sounds like a great disc.
I have to agree that the usage of all the swears and rude comments about things that really don't have anything to do with the album really bring the review down. I don't mind when there are clever, even destructively negative, comments about the album itself. But they should make actually sense.
To say something touches dicks... what does that mean? It doesn't give me any indication of how something actually is.
Seriously, I think all your over-ambitious attempts to be funny discredit you as a reviewer. They imply a certain level of bias and people will assume you make snap judgments on things.
You are kinda funny though... while it was funny to read, I wouldn't take your review into account when considering buying the album. It seems more for crude entertainment value.
My reviews are written in my spare time for no compensation whatsoever (well, promo cds, but i end up spending more money on music rather than less because i find out about more shit i want to buy), so first and formost they are to entertain me. I never expected the majority of this forum to accept the review with open arms (even though it DID get an 8 out of 10

). still, thanks again for the comments and response. Good times, good times.
Hey, this is getting interesting...
let's see... I liked the humour of the review, but that's just opinion, so let's do away with the humour and... the review is good. Everybody can kiss the asses of SyX, it's not hard... Saying power progressive metal is gay, well that's cheap too. But the rest of the review is quite good.
Then let me jump into the "maturity" question in this thread.
Posting a comment with "you're immature"... yeah, that's not helping, you see... Because the post is no exception on its statement.
Liquid Tension, the only thing you have done so far is calling DDZ immature...
So, assuming you are on the more "mature" side of the world, why do you post a comment in this thread? If I thought the review was immature, I just would have closed the thread and went to another site. I don't really get what you mean.
japan, you on the other hand, have a good point. But opinions are opinions, and a review is a review. split those two things.
Good post, and good points. Still, i disagree with the last thing you said (i think... not exactly clear to be honest haha). Or maybe not... as i said earlier in this post that is way too long, a review will have both an opinion and a statement of what the disc is all about.
The guy was begging for everyone to read his review and give a response so I did... I found it to be immature when it comes to reviews for some of the many reasons already stated... If you and others want this type of humor in reviews then great... Like I said he has a following and there isn't anything more you can ask for....
I won't be reading anymore of his reviews in the future if you really need to here the obvious from me... Why you felt the need to tell me what you would've have done doesn't make sense since I was just fullfilling the request he made out here...
I don't understand why you are reading so much into my response and making these incorrect assumptions...
You just don't get it do you? Ahh well, whatever. I'm over it. Again, i appreciate you taking the time to at least look at the review.
Nice review, Zach. you're a funny guy.
Prismatic Sphere, I agree with you that mostly every song on every album is good except for "Shades of Grey". That song was just terrible.
"Ah don't know wha' ma' heart keeps calling, but a reeelleeedonwanyoutusttEEEHEHEHHHHH!"
Thanks man, and good call with Shades of Grey. Awful track that one be.
Aren't all reviews? I'd really question someone dumb enough to buy something because someone else said to. Judge for oneself I say.
Fuck off ken, i bought Hanging Gardens based on a recommendation from Aleksi Munter of Swallow the Sun. I didn't even listen to it. That was his opinion, not mine, though it's my opinion that he was right and the disc slays infidels.
Did i miss anything else?