Symphony X Sheet Music


Nov 17, 2005
is there anyway we could ever be able to buy it or look at it online symphony X sheet music because i would really love to study all of their orchestrated pieces look at all the classical techniques involved.

or (question for jax) is their any plans to offer sheet and/or tab books for sale of each of their albums is that in the future going to happen soon?
No reason. You said you can write up the scores, and I thought to myself, wow. he must be pretty good to figure out Pinella's solos and stuff.
The main focus right now is the cd..I'll ask them about any plans for tabs & the like after the cd is finished.
I wouldn't want to transpose a piece I like to a music progam that someone else composed and put it on guitar tab pro. I would rather just concentrate on my own music the only reason i want to see the full score is to just study their writing techniques and to see what theory techniques they used. But im glad people out there transpose it on to guitar pro and that takes alot of talent if you can do that by ear and I respect anyone who can do that but the only thing I don't like about guitar pro is there isn't key signatures which would be helpful even though some you can figure out on your own.

I want symphony x to do like dream theater did with their full anthology sheet music every instrument with vocal melody that would be great I especially want to see the choral part of divine wings, I'm really beginning to like writing choral pieces it is quite fun.
What if your band wanted to cover one of their songs for a gig or something? My band is covering Inferno, and we actually still need transcriptions for what little keyboards are in that song. (It's gonna be on our demo probably, if my other guitarrist agrees to sit out for a song on stage.)
Metalman7983 said:
the only thing I don't like about guitar pro is there isn't key signatures which would be helpful even though some you can figure out on your own.

GP3 GP4 and GP5 all have a time signature modifier, and most of the files out there are already going to have the time signature changes in the right place and like I said before, most of the SX tabs out there are pretty accurate. Once in a while you'll come across one where you're thinking, "What the hell were they on when they tabbed this?"
Fallen Embers said:
Heh, nice plug 1by4by9. I have all of them downloaded so there's a good chance your work is on my hard drive :P

I've tabbed Church Of The Machine, The Bird Serpent War and Transcendence. Also I tabbed the solos in Through The Looking Glass-tab which was mostly done by "Dressed To Kill."