

The Observer
Jul 29, 2003
Miami, FL.
I was recently listening to "V: The New Mythology Suite," and I felt compelled to contend just what an impeccable masterpiece it truly is. The record is flawless from start to finish, as is "The Odyssey." In my humble opinion, Symphony-X is currently one of the most interesting bands within the metal scene. Does anyone else share a mutual opinion?
Definitely an awesome band. Great voice, awesome guitars, crazy bassist, awesome drumming, insane keyboardist...What the hell, it's good shit that's what matters.

Although, the lyrics do get cheesy. Then again I'm not much a fan of power metal lyrics, or just the genre overall. Only a few bands :)
I love Symphony X. Definatly the best power metal band I've heard.

Strange, but I thought that V really sucked. Divine Wings was the good shit.
Actually Symphony X is one of the very few power metal bands I like. V is an excellent record, its very cohesive, everything flows wonderfully, all the tracks are excellent. Divine Wings has more of that pantera style, and I enjoy whomever was playing the bass much more than the guy on V.
I realize that a great deal of you have trouble discerning between power metal and progressive. Symphony-X fall into the latter-genre, since apart from the subject matter of the lyrics (being Romanticism and classical literature), they encompass no power-metal elements whatsoever.

Still, I'm pleased to see that I'm not the only one who enjoys their work. Heh heh, and I'm still rather astounded by the very prospect of Speed ACTUALLY FANCYING A PROGRESSIVE BAND. ;)
Yeah well progressive and power are all pretty damn close in musical structure, Id say symphony x is a cross between power and prog. But yes, I do like them, I have V, Twilight on Olympus, and The Divine Wings of Tragedy. Its been awhile since I listened to them though. I didnt care too much for their last record however. Whats most shocking is i got a copy of The divine wings of tragedy in EUrope the year it came out, A metal loving italian friend of mine ( i was studying in bologna) got me into them. THey are by far the best band in the whole power/prog genre. Whats even more shocking, is i still like old Angra Angels cry and holy land, episode by strato, a god thing by vanden plas, and a few kamelot records. Good music is good music.
Yeah well progressive and power are all pretty damn close in musical structure, Id say symphony x is a cross between power and prog.

Although I can easily grasp how you've fallen victim to such a common misconception, allow me to assure you, there is no such similarity between the progressive and power metal genre. Indeed, there are certain bands that encompass elements from both genres, however the majority of them can be holistically partitioned into one. The power-metal genre is usually demonstrated by simple circular structure, bombastic production, sweeping technical-melodies, and lyrical themes that explore such themes as Romanticism, heroism, the human imagination, etc. (which can wear a listener's patience since Tolkien narratives account for about 80% of them). The progressive metal/ rock genre is normally characterized by irregular/ unorthodox song-structures and time-signatures, notably complex instrumentation and conceptual themes, as well as musical variation/ diversity.
While many would dismiss this all as lifeless technical-wankery, I happen to possess a differing opinion(which, for your convenience, I won't delve into) that technicality does not necessarily cause a song to lose its direction.

Nonetheless, my point is that there is a fine line between cheesy/ simplistic power metal with no variation and tiresome circular-structures, such as for instance, Manowar, Hammerfall, Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, etc., and music that fits the above description, such as Symphony-X, Ayreon, King Crimson, Pain of Salvation, Frank Zappa, Dream Theater, and innumerable others that I'm far too slothful to name. What I'm trying to explain is, to structurally juxtapose Symphony-X's most recent material with a band like Manowar is as absurd as comparing a Cryptopsy record to one of say, Emperor.

Please pardon my incessant lecturing, by the way :) , but I would be remiss if I neglected to correct you.
Perhaps you are correct, but symphony x is more akin to old yngwie helloween style power metal, than it is dream theater or king crimson ( who are not a prog metal band). One must also remember that power metal and prog metal have much in common- from annoying castrated singers, idiotic lyrics, choruses, masturbatory solos, and little if any actual musical progression. Hell they even name the big festival- the prog/power fest. But yes as you have pointed out there are alot of differences, just not as many as you think, as the two genres have become a bit blurred between each other; unless the bands are hammerfall, or the ever pretentious dream theater. I really dont care to needlessly argue over these pointless statements and opinions, thus please provide a intelligent rebuttal and we shall be done with this interesting but in the end pointless argument.
Speed and Disciple of Plato both have good points, but in the end, who cares? The band is awesome, you call it prog or power prog or symphonic epic power metal with progressive influences... doesn't make a difference
speed said:
Perhaps you are correct, but symphony x is more akin to old yngwie helloween style power metal, than it is dream theater or king crimson ( who are not a prog metal band). One must also remember that power metal and prog metal have much in common- from annoying castrated singers, idiotic lyrics, choruses, masturbatory solos, and little if any actual musical progression. Hell they even name the big festival- the prog/power fest. But yes as you have pointed out there are alot of differences, just not as many as you think, as the two genres have become a bit blurred between each other; unless the bands are hammerfall, or the ever pretentious dream theater. I really dont care to needlessly argue over these pointless statements and opinions, thus please provide a intelligent rebuttal and we shall be done with this interesting but in the end pointless argument.
I disagree about the vocals. Many people tend to generalize power-metal (and prog) vocalists as being high-pitched nasal vocalists but that is not true. Power-metal has been around for a long time and bands like Angel Dust, Tad Morose and even to go back to an old-school band, Metal Church are considered power metal bands. Some of my favorite vocalists are power/prog vocalists and while there are certainly many that would fall into your generalization, there are many that do not.
I do agree about the fact that there is a fine line between what is a "prog" band and what is a "power" band. However, I find that some of the better bands in those genres balance some progressive elements while maintaining a song based style of writing. I am not here to argue, but I think you are generalizing a great deal about two genres that have a lot to offer for metal fans.

Perhaps you are correct, but symphony x is more akin to old yngwie helloween style power metal, than it is dream theater or king crimson ( who are not a prog metal band). One must also remember that power metal and prog metal have much in common- from annoying castrated singers, idiotic lyrics, choruses, masturbatory solos, and little if any actual musical progression. Hell they even name the big festival- the prog/power fest. But yes as you have pointed out there are alot of differences, just not as many as you think, as the two genres have become a bit blurred between each other; unless the bands are hammerfall, or the ever pretentious dream theater. I really dont care to needlessly argue over these pointless statements and opinions, thus please provide a intelligent rebuttal and we shall be done with this interesting but in the end pointless argument.

I see your point. There truly is no need to argue this further, as you and I clearly share divergent (and equally viable, I'm sure) perspectives. Still, the standard bill on the Progpower Festival is comprised almost entirely of power-metal bands. You can't use the NAME of the festival to support your argument.
I concur with both your and bryants points, however, i am not about to change my dislike of power/prog anytime soon. Its nice to have a civilized argument on this board- very rare.