Symphony X

I hate them both... they are terrible.

They not only irritate me, they detract from the music. How come there is no great instrumental technical-prog bands... or prog bands with a GOOD singer.

The closest thing is Nevermore's - "The politics of ecstasy"... awesome vocalist is WD!! The best music too. The Learning is nuts... Jeff loomis is god on guitar, and pat obrien from CC didn't hurt the band any!! :lol:

Ramble Rample Plod Hopp Chicken Dance.... *does little jig... Twice!*
Originally posted by Trapped
I hate them both... they are terrible.
How come there is no great instrumental technical-prog bands... or prog bands with a GOOD singer.

You should try Liquid Tension Experiment if you have not already.
They are instrumental technical progressive metal. Paradigm Shift would be a good song to start with.
Great instrumental technical/prog bands:

Spastic Ink
Liquid Tension Experiment
Gordian Knot
Actual Time

I know I'm forgetting some, but that's a good start.

Technical/prog bands with good vocals:

Zero Hour
Spiral Architect

Of course, you already know most of those, I just thought I'd remind you :)
Ah yes.....Liquid Tension Experiment, awesome instrumental project. Dream Theater minus John Myung and James Labrie plus Tony Levin, and they play a different style of prog than DT plays. It is a little nuttier and not really something to be compared to DT, it is just a different project. First CD is self titled, second (and final) cd is called "LTE2" I like the second a little better than first, but both are awesome. To get to know them the first two songs to try are "Acid Rain" and "Another demension" both off the second cd, killer!
Quickly popped into my local 2nd hand music store today, and there sitting in the "new arrivals" section was Symphony X - V... for $12 (australian, CDs normally cost $30) and i remembered this thread and thought "woohoo, sounds the coolnesses"...

So i am now listening to it for the first time, I must say i like it more than Dream Theatre... a bit more darker and eviler, vocals not so high and vibrato'd.... i reckon ill like this album, wont be my favourite music of all time but should get a few listens, so thanks for Zeanra for making this thread otherwise i would never have thought to even pick the CD up!!
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Quickly popped into my local 2nd hand music store today, and there sitting in the "new arrivals" section was Symphony X - V... for $12 (australian, CDs normally cost $30) and i remembered this thread and thought "woohoo, sounds the coolnesses"...

So i am now listening to it for the first time, I must say i like it more than Dream Theatre... a bit more darker and eviler, vocals not so high and vibrato'd.... i reckon ill like this album, wont be my favourite music of all time but should get a few listens, so thanks for Zeanra for making this thread otherwise i would never have thought to even pick the CD up!!

You like it more than Dream TheatRE? Who in the fuck are they?? Sounds to me like the progressive scene isn't one you keep up with at all. The clone is never as good as the original. This is the case here as well, if not for Dream Theater who knows what these assholes would be doing? Jerking themselves off I imagine. I DLed the first track of DWOT and said "Wow, can't put my finger on it but the beat is very similar to some DT song...." not long after the singer actually says "Innocence Faded" and I laughed my ass off. The rip off couldn't be more obvious. The singer does NOT belong with this music and I suspect the only reason they have him is so they are not an EXACT DT clone. Every song I DLed is a clone of a DT song, these guys are sad fuck-nothings. Each of these jackfucks bitterly masturbate everynight wishing they were their Dream Theater counterpart instead of their own sad selves. They have very small penis.
Originally posted by Metal88
You like it more than Dream TheatRE? Who in the fuck are they?? Sounds to me like the progressive scene isn't one you keep up with at all. The clone is never as good as the original. This is the case here as well, if not for Dream Theater who knows what these assholes would be doing? Jerking themselves off I imagine. I DLed the first track of DWOT and said "Wow, can't put my finger on it but the beat is very similar to some DT song...." not long after the singer actually says "Innocence Faded" and I laughed my ass off. The rip off couldn't be more obvious. The singer does NOT belong with this music and I suspect the only reason they have him is so they are not an EXACT DT clone. Every song I DLed is a clone of a DT song, these guys are sad fuck-nothings. Each of these jackfucks bitterly masturbate everynight wishing they were their Dream Theater counterpart instead of their own sad selves. They have very small penis.
Yeh they are obviously hugely ripping off Dream Theatre, and DT are a much more skilled band. But there is differences, they have a mix of stuff like the minimal Yngiwe i have heard, a bit more evil and power metal, stuff like i said, and i personally just like the sound of it better. I still dont like the vocals and i dont like DTs singers voice either, just a taste thing again. So yeh Dream Theatre are heaps better because they were one of the first to do this stuff, but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy the copycats, especially if theres a few minor things about the original band that you dont like.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Yeh they are obviously hugely ripping off Dream Theatre, and DT are a much more skilled band. But there is differences, they have a mix of stuff like the minimal Yngiwe i have heard, a bit more evil and power metal, stuff like i said, and i personally just like the sound of it better. I still dont like the vocals and i dont like DTs singers voice either, just a taste thing again. So yeh Dream Theatre are heaps better because they were one of the first to do this stuff, but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy the copycats, especially if theres a few minor things about the original band that you dont like.

I suppose you're correct that you can like the clone more than the original, It just seems to me that anyone who is a DT FAN would not be able to hear this shit and like it at all b/c it would just sound like one huge rip-off project. When I say rip-off know that I don't mean they simply copied the style of music but that they "almost" copied the exact songs or at least sections of songs in obvious fashion. If one isn't a FAN of DT but you are simply familiar with them, then I guess that is how you can like Symphony X better. I am a DT fan enough to know that John Petrucci gets really pissed if you spell his band's name "Dream TheatRE and not TheatER, in case noone caught that. :D
Originally posted by Metal88
I suppose you're correct that you can like the clone more than the original, It just seems to me that anyone who is a DT FAN would not be able to hear this shit and like it at all b/c it would just sound like one huge rip-off project. When I say rip-off know that I don't mean they simply copied the style of music but that they "almost" copied the exact songs or at least sections of songs in obvious fashion. If one isn't a FAN of DT but you are simply familiar with them, then I guess that is how you can like Symphony X better. I am a DT fan enough to know that John Petrucci gets really pissed if you spell his band's name "Dream TheatRE and not TheatER, in case noone caught that. :D
Yehh. I own a Dream Theater live CD (Once In a Livetime) and have quite a few other mp3s of them, but they just werent exactly to my tasting, even though i recognise the skill and still love some riffs and sounds they get. Thats why im happy with Symphony X.. coz its just dream theater with a few little changes and i love the sound of it and cant stop listening (which never happened with DT).
As for exactly copying stuff i sure did notice a few riffs i knew, copied exactly, but i didnt know the DT songs well enough to have preconceptions about how such riffs should be used, so it doesnt affect me. But there was one riff (1:23 on "the death of balance") that annoyed me because of its ripoff status (compare to DT's "puppies on acid"). But there are also a lot of stuff that Symphony X do that DT wouldnt do... (i dont think DT do a song like "Evolution")

hehe, and sorry bout the theatre/theater thing.. i used to always spell it correctly but i just suddenly started spelling it wrong for some unknown reason.