Symphony X's genre/style?


The protagonist arrives to find out that the princess is already being f***** by somebody and then they go complain about it on their website. Then they write a love song about it even though the princess never met them in the first place.
Is it just me, or is that exactly what emo is??
Metalman7983 said:
dont know if anyone has seen this before?

The protagonist arrives, screams something completely undecipherable for about 2 minutes and then leaves...

:tickled: lmao - that was excellent
I have trouble classifying them...but the sure fire way is, on the back of the odyssey just under the bar code (or above) it says "File under progressive metal" strangely enough the place i purchased the album from (HMV) only has a 'metal' section not a prog metal section lol
I Kinda agreed with Montu Sekhmet... I once heard something like neo-classical, power, speed, progressive Metal.... i don't know if it's accurate, but it works for me..... What does romeo says?
ptah knemu said:
What's Avant garde?
Avant Garde is something which is radically new or original - a lot of the time in music it is used to describe stuff which sounds like nothing they've ever hear before...

wchuck said:
neoclassical symphonic progressive power metal with an hint to avantgarde!
Why the hell does it have to be so specific? Progressive Metal sums it up fine for me.