SymX lunch at PPUSA - updated with time/location


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Okay, who all's going to PPUSA next month, & plans to attend the annual SymX lunch (traditionally held around 11am on Saturday)?

It seems that our usual haunt, Houlihan's, has closed so we'll be making a change of venue; Front Page News (the restaurant where we had lunch the one year that Houlihan's didn't open on time) has been suggested, what's everyone think?

For those new to the whole thing: no, the members of SymX will not be attending the lunch, & you can learn more about PPUSA at ProgPowerUSA
Houlihans definately closed? :( Where am I going to model my "Titties & Beer" Zappa shirt for the lunchtime crowd, this year? :lol:
Although I DOUBT I can attend this year because of the crew schedule, FPN is an AWESOME resturant, probably my personal favorite in the area..... Depending on our schedule, I'll be there if at all possible....
Mike DeSornio, or something close to that, not sure of the spelling on the last name. I also found out today that Wayne injured his arm/wrist, was in a cast, is still doing therapy. Pulled a tendon out of its sheath.....sounds painful. I wish him only the best in his recovery. Always been a cool dude to me. Wayne will be there, but I'm positive he'll be doing limited lifting/gruntwork, which is probably where Rick & I come in....:lol:
I plan on being a sweaty ugly mess on Friday & Saturday! We'll still have fun.
I also didn't know that Zilla is going back to school, dealing with more life stuff, and hopes to return as a fan next year.
This sucks man... I wanna live in a bigger city. I hate not being able to participate in band events and stuff... goodluck and have fun to those who go and are able to :rock:
This year's SymX lunch is going to be held at 11:30am on Saturday the 27th at the Madison Grill ( - 1375 Peachtree St NE, at the corner of Peachtree St. NE and 17th street). This will be especially handy for those of you staying at the Residence Inn, as it's right next door (better odds of you dragging your hungover arses out for lunch if you don't have to walk far, right? *grin*); it's also just a short walk from the venue and the Granada. When you arrive, if we're not real obvious, just ask for the Symphony X lunch group (I've never eaten there with a large group before, so I don't know if they'll sequester us away or just shove us in a corner *g*).

I'm happy to say that we'll have some SymX goodies to give away; not sure if we'll have enough for everyone or if we'll have to draw numbers, that depends on how many people attend, but there will be SymX swag to be had. Much thanks to Glenn, SymX's faithful merch guy, for pitching in on this one. :) There'll also be nametags for everyone, and if there aren't enough goodies for everyone, we'll be drawing numbers from those nametags, so be sure to get one when you arrive.

You can find a map here; I put the restaurant, the venue, and the two most popular hotels on the map..if you're staying elsewhere, you may want to check a map or print out directions beforehand. I'll also have copies of it with me in Atlanta for those folks who never seem to know about the lunch until someone there tells them about it.

Oh, and the usual disclaimer: the band will NOT be there (though we often do give MJR a call & say hi to him en masse sometime during the lunch *grin*); this lunch is for the band's fans. It began at PPUSA2 when we had a catered lunch with the band in attendance, became a lunch for the band's mailing list members, & has since opened up to a general fan gathering & has been an annual event ever since (twice with the band).

Looking forward to seeing lots of you there next weekend!
Wish I could have made it, Jax said it went well... For those who went, how did you like the food there? It's my favorite place to eat in that area. :rock:
The cheesecake there nearly killed (in a good way) Don C. & I, ftr.....
The food wasn't bad - but the wait time was killer.

After waiting an hour or so for food, we ate, finished up & were saying goodbyes when some folks had just goten their food. Was a bit odd.

The lunch itself was very cool. Great to meet other fans from around the world - not to mention very cool swag! And a big THANKS to the nice fan that covered lunch for us all!
